Once again i missed out on making something for picoday, i don't know what's going on, this year was supposed to be my big come back year for animation, with all sorts of projects and all i have made are a couple of shorts, one of which i got the majority of done back in 08. Makes me sort of depressed actually. So what has been going on since my last blog, or complaining session, since all i ever seem to do these days is bitch and moan.
Well, ill start with the positive, i got a new job, one that actually seems solid no less, working in a warehouse, ill be starting my 3rd week there tomorrow, i quite like it, carry boxes around, getting antennas ready to send off and all sorts of fun stuff, its hard physical work, but its nice for a change, the only thing i don't like about it is having to wake up at 5:30 in order to get ready in time for work, but thats got more to do with how far i live from work then it does with the job itself.
On the not so up side, living where i am continues to be hell, housemates refusing to do any housework at all now, and so am i since im out almost 12 hours a day. One of them is unemployed, one would assume she would take over the role of the housecleaning, especially since the mess is 90% hers in the first place, but rather then do that she spends as little time as she can at home, only coming here to make more mess and then she takes off again leaving me to do the cleaning (the sink was full of maggots when i got home today), only now im not cleaning so its piling up, i don't know if she will ever actually take any responsibility for it, but im sure as hell sick of cleaning up after her, and sick of her using my TV and 360, always inviting her friends around to use my shit, im only here for another 7 weeks, but im thinking i might handicap myself, by moving all my shit out of the house a month earlier just so she cant have the satisfaction of using any of it.
So sadly i don't have any news regarding my upcoming cartoons, as much as i wish i did, all i can say is that they will be out when they are done and thats as good as i can do.
In the meantime, as promised last journal, heres the 3 episodes i did for the Gerkinman live action series back in the day, just because i can.
Gerkinman Episode 1: Squirrel Scandal!
Ah yes, the first little episode, i remember it was about 4pm one sunday afternoon, and i just told my housemate we were going to make a film, that was it, no script, no direction. And thus this was born, the first half is allot stronger then the second half, but considering how shit the whole thing is that seems sort of redundant anyways.
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Gerkinman Episode 2: A Prime Time To Game
Another one of those spur of the moment things. This time Gerkinman has to verse an evil optimus prime in a series of gaming challenges. And thats about it really...
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Gerkinman Episode 3: Gerkinmans Day Off
And the final episode, the only one with any real planning. It was a spiritual remake of a much earlier cartoon of mine called Kraidzilla. This is basically the story of Gerkinman taking a day off, in celebration of a public holiday for myself. Unfortunately, for some reason that defies explanation a bunch of Super Metroid Sprites create havoc on the world that very same day, and thus this story was born.
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Maybe some day ill start some other sort of Gerkinman series, maybe when i get my new video camera, but i cant say for sure. Animation i don't really enjoy until i can look back and view the finished product, live action on the other hand, its fun from the get go. But who really knows, i talk to much.
Here is a picture of a hansom young devil for all the ladies out there :P
Hows everyone doing on this end?