Driven, if nothing else.

Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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Illwillpress is paying me to make a Foamy feature film!

Posted by Gerkinman - August 31st, 2009

I haven't done one of these in a while, jeez, where are my manners, im sure your all dieing to know about the amazing things that happen in my day to day life. Well, ill start with the news i guess, on Thursday my PCs motherboard died, so im getting all that fixed up in the coming days. Ive actually had quite a bit of freelance on so it died at a really inconvenient time, but that's life i suppose. The freelance work itself, ive been working on really simple animations as part of a promo that's being to High Schools worldwide, mainly in Australian and Britain. Ill probably upload it once i get my PC back up and running, its definitely not a technical show piece, but it gets the job done.

Other then that, not much to report, ive been talking to the original author of this flash. Allen And Merve What we are planning i wont go into, as i tend to announce allot of things that never end up happening, so im just going to leave it at we are at the planning stages of a film bringing those characters back from the grave, with him as writer and me as animator and director. Its definitely my most ambitious project in a long time, but in no way a feature film as i have planned in the past.

Out There is still happening as well, even tho i haven't had the chance to touch it in quite a while, im actually starting to question the approach i took towards it. That being the pixel animation. Its not so much the look im questioning but the time it takes, one episode this year is no where near where i wanted to be, so i think im going to have to do some revisions and animate it the way i was originally planning, which was with very stylized and simple tweened models.

That pretty much sums things up for now, i don't have any new illustrations or anything to show you, so instead here's a video i put together after going for a drive down the coast for my sisters wedding, trying out my new video camera.

/* */


I envy your happy and carefree life >;c

Now now, its not always this great D=

well someones gotta make the big bucks.. may as well be you and foamy

Minimum effort maximum turnaround, thats what its all about.

Up to your dirty tricks as always Gerkinman

Yeh, i cant help myself :(

That's impossible, everyone knows illwillpress doesn't talk to anyone

Your a clever one aren't you.

You're a really good director, Gerkinman. (I noticed that from your Like a Brother music video.) As for that Foamy movie, how come nobody's complaining about Contemplating Reiko as much as Neurotically Yours?

Thanks, i dont think im all that brilliant, ive got allot more left to learn, but the whole thing is a learning experience.

what da fukc i wanted 2 read about fomey


I didn't realize Foamy had friends I thought he just talked to himself.

Ill be anyones friend for the almighty dollar.

I hear Germaine's a bitch to work with.

awesome, but not why i clicked the link. what bout foamy, well whatever im excited, even tho you didnt talk about it.

Oh it will be very exciting, we are writing the sex scene right now, oops, spoilers!

you mean you lied? No one lies to me and gets away with it. Well there was only one guy who lied to me and got away with it but after today, only half the people who lied to me would have gotten away with it.