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Age 38, Male

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Rtil and Mindchambers Drama Lama

Posted by Gerkinman - July 6th, 2009

Im not online much these days, in-fact im only on for at most and hour or two each day lately. Not surprisingly, spending so little time online, im a little out of the loop. It appears however no matter how far out of this loop you get, once you get back in its exactly the same as how you left it, that loop ofcourse being the whole Rtil and Mindchamber thing. Now im not going to turn this into one of those posts most people do about how right or wrong one or the other or both of them are, that's been done and these days im trying to avoid covering old ground, that's sometimes called progression for you folks not in the know. It would be hypocritical of me to write a journal like this without pointing out the obvious, that i too was a shit stirring tosser not more then a year ago.

Metal Gear Boresum
Sprites And The Newgrounds Review System
Newgrounds In The Year 2010

But why was i shit stirring? I don't mind being honest about it now. I wanted attention, clear and simple, and when people stop giving a shit about what you do i suppose that's what can happen. Nobody cared about my cartoons, i wasn't happy at work, and i was online a hell of allot to much. So i deliberately went out of my way to stir up shit about stuff people on this website cared about because it made me feel like they cared what i had to say. And that's it. I didn't care who i was targeting or why people thought they were good, it was all about me. Hell i went so far as to organize One Love and then throw it back into everyone's faces.

And here i am year later, a little wiser, and a little, no scrap that, allot less interested in this whole internet finger pointing business. Newgrounds is what it is, people are what they are, and that's how the world works. Is 99% of the stuff on this website absolute garbage? Of course it is, and so is the content on Youtube and DeviantArt and every other website in existence, and further then the internet, everything from film, television and music shares the same ratio. That's the way things are. We could all spend our time bitching and moaning about these things, we could even get personal about it. But in the end what does it achieve? A little self gratification perhaps? At what cost? Well none really, a few people online might think your a dick i guess. Whats my point? I don't know, i don't think im saying that im better because now im not living online, although it can easily be taken that way, i suppose its more just, this is all so pointless (not newgrounds itself, but peoples attitudes toward it), the only thing that seems like more of a waste is arguing over something so pointless.

But enough of that, whats going on in my life? I know there are a few people who seem to like keeping tabs on my journals these days, feels good to be noticed for something honest actually. Well, im about to move home again, im moving closer to where i currently work, in a little place in Brisbane called New Farm with my lovely girlfriend. I haven't really met any NG folk from up this way, i know Blordow and Sexual Lobster both live up here, should really track em down and meet up with em for lunch some day. Aside from that, the childrens book illustrating role i mentioned a journal back is confirmed. So that's pretty exciting, and also, after The Basics - Like A Brother, a second band is interested in getting me to do a video for them, im keeping it pretty close to my chest at the moment since nothing is official, but ill keep you posted. That pretty much sums it up. Ill leave you with a video my girlfriend found a few weeks ago, i really love it.

/* */
Heres a picture of a brave new world...

Rtil and Mindchambers Drama Lama


.....but at what cost..........

Megatron must be stopped.

I am a huge faggot.

Congratulations on having the self confidence to come out about it like that. Well done.

I asked MindChamber if he was an asshole. (it was a joke based on Rtils dumb rant) He answered my question with a question and then he did me a favor.

Dude... The guy is totally classy.

What kind of favor? =o


Thats what she said.

Cutie pies

Apple pies.


D+D+D+=d=dpeornvbuifviubefiufbeie r

Lol @ nipple grab

Hella tight

:3 !!!!

Hey babeh ;D



Tis a bit bulbous.

ok that was rude!! but seriously this is a nic blog post

Thanks i could help bro!

Thanks for giving an already tired subject another push. You're just like the retarded Caucasian 13 year olds who say how they hate the whole troll/internet culture by posting a link to 4chan's latest "STOP TROLLIN PLZ" lolcat.

My sisters lolcat was hit by a car, it was a tragic event :(

"And here i am year later, a little wiser.."
Translation: Mom got me a job.

I worked at an advertising agency for 4 years before moving interstate in late December and landing a job in a Warehouse dealing with audio and video equipment. Last i checked mum hasn't really helped me get a job since i was 18 and got me a job washing dishes at the local workers club, ironically it paid rather well. But yes, its been a long time since mum had anything to do with it, my current job was much more out of blind luck and a small knowledge of audio and video equipment from my home theater installation hobby. But sure, ill say mum got me the job just to keep you happy :)

Who doesn't like bacon?


"And here i am year later, a little wiser, and a little, no scrap that, allot less interested in this whole internet finger pointing business..."

Oh, had only no one replied after your lengthy heartwarming post... you would have relapsed in a second :P

Now now, im quite used to having people ignore things ive put allot of effort into now days :P

Mindchamber has pretty lashes

Yes i must say im quite jealous.

Good point/ but between you and me; you can't expect much from the Newgrounds community, especially not these days.

Why do Rtil and Mindchamber argue so much? They were clearly made for each other! WHY!!!?!?!

I probably should have done more than scrolld own and look at the picture.

It was usual dumb shit until mc let out that cv, some funny trollin on this site for a change

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