Because that's how i roll, but before i get to my favorite music videos of the animated variety i suppose i should go over some news.
First, i mentioned a couple of weeks ago that i was looking at starting an animation festival in Brisbane, now as times change so do plans, and at the moment it looks like i will be moving to Melbourne around the end of this year, and if thats so i will be looking at attaching the animation festival to an independent comic convention known as Doujicon. That's all i have on that for now.
Second, im still toiling away on Telescope, im working on a scene at the moment which is taking me a number of days, and its only a couple of seconds long. See, im the sort of person that tries to avoid fancy camera tricks and large crowds in there shorts, and this scene happens to contain both of those things. Doing numerous character walk cycles aswell as characters doing assorted other things, well it can be time consuming, especially when your rending it with the technique im using in this short which is basically doubling the work... tripling it when you take shadows into account. I hope in the end it will all be worth it.
Third, i not long got back from a holiday in the Whitsundays (near the great barrier reef), and aside from the lousy weather it was pretty great.
Alright, now for those music videos, these aren't in any particular order, just, in order i think of them i suppose. I love music videos and if there was one thing i could do for the rest of my career it would be making them. I think i may have even posted a couple of these on here before...and of course remember, this is all subjective, im sure many of you will find these to be garbage.
First up would be "Float" by Flogging Molly, a great song and a great video. Catchy tunes, great art direction and some neat mixing of stop motion with cgi and even some time lapse for good measure.
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Next up we have something rather allot older, i think it might be the oldest thing on this list, "Moonshadow" by Cat Stevens. Its an odd little video, i dont know when putting storytelling into music videos came into fashion, but this is easily one of the earliest examples of seen. I love the goofy narration voices (something often implemented into my own work) and the strange psychedelic art direction by Cat Stevens himself. Its not a technical marvel by any means, but i think its a great clip all the same. Probably also helps that this was one of my favorite songs growing up.
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"8 Bit Trip" by "Rymdreglage" went viral only a few short months ago, and it still blows me away every time i see it. It just boggles my mind, and im a lover of chiptunes, so eh, bonus points. The pong sequence in particular makes me shit my pants.
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"War Photographer" by "Jason Forrest" is another big favorite of mine, even being the inspiration for me and Zekey's "Like A Brother" music video for "The Basics". The animation is limited without looking cheap, the mixture of vikings with giant robots, the color palette and art direction, its all just brilliant.
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"Phantom Patriot" by "Les Claypool" is another one of those, not so technically impressive videos that works well in context with the music. Les has always had a distinctive look to his work since ways back in the Primus days (which i will come to next) and this piece is no different. Its an odd song and an odd video, but i wouldn't expect anything less.
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"Southbound Pachyderm" by "Primus", a bizarre stop motion video about an Elephant with plane wings, sure, why not? If anyone was going to get away with it, it would be Claypool and the boys of Primus, sadly it never gained the success of their previous hit "Wynonas Big Brown Beaver" and great video in its own right, from memory this video was only actually on MTV once or twice, what a shame.
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"Empty Spaces" by "Pink Floyd" is my personal favorite piece of animation related to the band, if i hadn't of limited myself to one per group this whole list would have probably been pink floyd, being my favorite band and all, and "The Wall" being my favorite movie, period. The imagery with the flowers, the fluidity of the animation, just everything comes together in this piece, its hard to single one out, but once again, its all about my personal favorites.
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"Hearts a Mess" by "Gotye" has been my journals at least twice in the last 3 years, so i will just leave it at that.
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Lastly i will leave you with a guilty pleasure, its not part of the list however. No, my sister hired this movie every time we stayed at our grandparents and this was the only part of the movie i liked. And hot damn did i like it...
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Too close, here is a photo of me in a "stinger suit" from my holiday, its designed to stop you drowning with paralysis caused by killer jellyfish called the "Irukandji".