So i have a few topics today.
First of all sprites, the war rages on. The latest development comes thanks too some guy nobodys ever heard of from Youtube, id like to quote him.
"in some way sprite editing might be theft, but it's still art in it's own way"
This information courtesy of Garnerbloodsaber.
So you heard it here first folks, art theft is okay, its still art in its own way. Go out and steal to your hearts content, your still an artist.
The link is c2k
People hate sprites and spriters for all kinds of reasons, some because of the fact theyre mostly talentless hacks, others becayse its art theft, and others still because sprite movies are never well written or well animated. Fact of the matter is Spriters are around to stay. Aslong as people keep clicking on anything with mario or sonic on it they will keep popping up and get bloated scores regardless of quality, theres nothing anyone can do about it soitd be nice if everyone could just get over it. But on the topic of sprites, id like to bring up just how flawed the review system on newgrounds has become and how its getting harder and harder for anybody with original content to get noticed here.
As an example i would like to use Smash Kingdom Melee. A flash with terrible animation, and even worse writing. Currently with a score of 4.44 and a review average of 9.6 / 10. As a test me and some other members submitted review ranging from 7 to 1, and everything below a 5 got removed for being offensive. Heres my short and simple review.
Score: 1 / 10
Summary: Wow
Review: What a fantastic collection of stolen sprites and stolen jokes.
Now, nowhere did i openly bash the flash or the author, nowhere is anything rule breaking written. So why was it deleted? Was it the low score people were offended by? Is the idea of a sprite movie scoring badly really that offensive to people? Apparently so, not to mention the fact it might damage the all important average review average. How are people who want to focus on original content supposed to compete with the cast of Super Smash Bros? Its simple, they cant.
Newgrounds used to be a place where people came to get noticed, now its impossible to get noticed if your doing original content. Now there are cash prizes, but its hard to win them for original content because people know sticking Mario in your cartoon is alot more likely to win you money then sticking originality or effort into your cartoons. Not to mention "I" think its morally wrong to hand out prizes to people that dont go to the effort of coming up with there own ideas. Is that the sort of thing Newgrounds wants to encourage? Use other peoples established characters and youll go far.
I dont have any answers for any of this, but i would like to see some kind of proper "Newgrounds Originals Initiative" where people are payed for their efforts to create something original or unique. Im not talking money or anything like that. Just some acknowledgement. The knowledge that your ideas arent just getting washed away unnoticed in between Super Smash Bros Awesome Duel 6 and Megamans Awesome Weekend Of Awesomeness 357. Whether it be its own page, or the front page properly devided between original content and the parody work thats needed to keep traffic coming to the site, original content needs more exposure.
As i said i dont have any answers, but i do know more needs to be done.
Keep in mind these are just one guys opinions, feel free to argue with me.