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Age 38, Male

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Aw come on, Gerkin. Genuine or not, when you post this less than an hour after Rtil, it just makes you look like a tool. Most of the time when I notice you speak, it's to give a nod to whatever Rtil's saying at the moment.

Anywho, good luck with Ultimate Asparagus. I watched the first episode a while back and I can understand based on that how we might have very different senses of humor. Still, I'll give it one more shot with your next episode. =)

I like Rtils points for the most part, i do disagree with some of his ideas aswell tho. As for the humour, they werent really written as comedys, more just pointless stories.

I'm not 'fanboy' of him but you can't deny that it was a great Awesome Parody. You shouldn't be jealous that his stuff gets a one-point higher average user ratting then anything you done in the past.. years. He knows how to make a funny animation, and that's the reason why most people on this site end up coming back here endless amount of times a year after coming back from work and school.

And you might say that people don't necessarily like your what you come up with, all that much. I honestly can't understand how anyone would think he's some sort of 'kid on crack' because he doesn't talk fast at all and he's a great voice actor with a wide range of voices that he's capable of doing. How about you make something.. genuinely worthy of being watched for once.

And you can blubber as much as you want replying to this comment but I really don't care and won't even check cause.. why should I? I believe what I believe and couldn't give less of a shit what you think, grow some balls and stop talking shit about popular artists on the web. Yes, I just admitted to him being popular but that doesn't mean not one bit that he's a bad animator/voice actor. Bye' bye.

actually, he wants to make a non parody work and MGA 2 marks the end of awesome read his journal

Im glad to hear that

Yes, it was truly terrible.

News flash.

You are not RTIL.

Thats why i took the oppertunity to pimp my own efforts, something rtil do because he has a little more class then i do ;D

i am the walrus

Yeah, ego is working on his actual animations now. He's really putting some effort into it. you should look at his sheezyart...he's got a sample of some of his actually good animation, very impressive. But who cares if he does parodies? He has fun, and we enjoy it. Newgrounds isn't for popularity, it's for fun, make stuff for fun, watch it for fun. I enjoyed seeing it, so I don't think i was a complete waste, and I really like that art and animation style. Very classic and entertaining. But to each his own, I suppose.

anywho, you should read up on the proper "to, too, and two" ;)


"Hes in a position now where hes popular enough to make non parody work and still have people enjoy it, i doubt he will, but the options there."

Yeah sure.....and Krinkels is in a position to make stuff that isnt Madness.....LOL.

That's a great point. I wasn't extremely impressed with Krinkel's latest madness, no offense. It's gotten to the point where others are better than him at his own creation. It kind of bored me - the music, the fighting...Yet he got allll kinds of awards. Why? Because he's the original. Obviously not all because of that, hard work goes into it, but a lot of his scores come from his many loyal fans.

Ego has looots of loyal fans, so obviously no matter what he does, they love it. I like people who leave an actual review, like I do, not, OMG ROFL LOLOL EGO I LUV U! But I leave him a full, constructive, good review, but I'll never see a response because he got over 1000 in one day...Everyone just spams up his reviews praising him. That's great to have all those fans, but I wish the bulk of his fans were pretty cool people like him, not the weird 13 year olds who love the word fuck.

idk...I feel bad for people, but it's not about the glory. You just take what happens. (read rtil's for some very sad artists)

I personally think Ego does great things. He makes us laugh, and we enjoy his stuff. Why hate on him for that? He's not whoring anything out just because of who he is. He isn't who he is for no reason. He started with that, so he can continue it. It's new jokes, improving art, and new stuff. He has fun, his viewers have fun, and that should be all that matters.

I dont hate ego, i just like seeing credit where credit is due, something that people miss apply in his case.

1. Egoraptor is a fantastic voice actor. The sound quality is perfect, he never stutters, all the voices match the characters very well and every line is presented with very real-sounding expression. The Awesome series isn't all he's voice acted for, either. Decline of Video gaming also featured his voice acting, and he can perform a wide variety of voices. I don't see how anyone could not call him a good voice actor.

2. It sounds like you're saying that no-effort jokes have never been done before. It doesn't matter how much effort has been put into a joke, anyway, as long as it's still funny. I personally thought MGA2 was hilarious, but I guess not everyone has the same sense of humor.

3 Zekey is the walrus.

Yes, i dont have that sense of humour. I dont find the beating of a dead horse particularly amusing.

Actually [ANIMU NAME] i was comparing ego to krinkels who pigeonholed himself so much with madness that when he tries to do other stuff he's ignored.

animu name? lol But yes, I understand. It's truly heartbreaking when an one artist is favored over another not on pure skill but on popularity, because they expect greatness from that person. But what can you do.

There's really no point in crying over it. Just keep on working and be even better next time. once you bust something out, people will go back at your old schtuff and realize how awesome you really are.

idk...patience is one helluva torture sometimes :(

I understand where you guys are coming from, but ya make it sound like Ego's doing this maniacally. He just wants us to laugh, to smile, to enjoy ourselves. He's not shooting for OMG wow graphics, but he still works hard on his stuff, it shows. He truly enjoys it, so I say more power to him.

animuname, how do you read what i say but still not understand it?

To be honest, this kind of post seems very hypocritical for someone who headed the 'One Love' collab.

I'll look forward to your new work though.

One Love was the first collab of its kind, not a cheap immitation.

I'm guessing you're talking to me? wtf is animu? lol

anywho, I know what you're saying. I was making a new point, not responding to you.

and yes, he will be popular for that. People will like it because his name is on it. He has his "awesome-only" fans I'm sure, but his true fans will enjoy his new stuff as well.

And if they don't, good, then the true newgrounders who will appreciate his new and true art will be able to appreciate his work without the crazy awesome fanboys going nuts. I saw some of his newer animations, it's really good, seriously...really good, so he's going to do well.

but, I don't care either way because he'll enjoy making it, and I'll enjoy watching it, sooo no problem. It's not about the popularity. It's just about being seen. If and when I release stuff on newgrounds, I'll be content with 100 reviews, but hey, if I were to get over 5000 like MGA, I'll take that too. I say kudos for Ego for getting that kind of fan craze. MGA was on G4! That's great for him.

He did better fbf than you and I have ever done, why didn't you bring up that he's actually a very good animator.

I think that's the main reason I personally loved the movie.

Im working on some pretty epic fbf as we speak actually.

It's what the kids go for. you can change the opinion of a few people, but newgrounds is a big target

Yeh, i remember when i was a kid...

I found some of my dads porno, it was awesome.

"Thats why i took the oppertunity to pimp my own efforts, something rtil do because he has a little more class then i do ;D"

I'm REALLY tired right now, but in all honesty... Does that sentence just make.. no sense at all?

Yes it does, i left out wouldnt by accident :(

"something rtil wouldnt do because he has a little more class then i do ;D"

I dont want to sound like im jumping on a Bandwagon, but the fact is my opinions arent that different to his in this particular area, and ive been complaining about it for a long time now, its the reason i originally started the Nimbin series. I have nothing personal against ego, i just dont think his awesome series is a good example of voice talent or writing, and i hate the fact every knobjob out there is copying it. I do however look forward to seeing his new series when it comes out.

I am the walrus

Can i be a walrus too?

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