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What Makes A Great Flash Animator: Part02

Posted by Gerkinman - December 6th, 2007

And here comes part 2, its been 2 weeks coming. This weeks topic...

Good Characterisation

Interesting thing about these characters is that some of theme come from really bad cartoons. But what is good characterisation anyways? Well,normally a good character is an individual, the dialogue they use wouldn't sound right coming from any other character around them. Its also the driving force for relationships between characters, which is where most good dialogue based humour comes from. I will be limiting this to dialogue driven series, so sorry, no Bitey. This brings back to my first point, some of these characters, some of these characters are from horrible series, im not a fan of a number of these. But just because the writing/animation/voice acting/everything else is horrible in a number of these doesnt mean the personalities themselves behind the characters are there. So heres a list of characters that are just that, real characters.

Blockhead & His Consciounce:
The classic set up, energetic and stupid teamed up with short tempered and reasoning. This duo system has been around since the beginning of entertainment and the system has always worked, Blockhead and his conscience are no different. Blockheads voice is unique and distinct, and while his personality comes accross as random, it never seems like its random without a purpose. His conscience is exact opposite, but in a twist to the old formula hes completely helpless in the situation, having to watch on and give up rather then being able to slap the moron in the face as his genre of character normally would.

Salad Fingers:
Theres only one Salad Fingers,a creepy yet somehow pathetic being from the wastelands, between his love for rust and caressing things and his mental instability, Salad Fingers has established himself as one of the most unqie and creative characters out there.

Burnt Face Man & The Narrator:
Burnt Face Man, while at first seeming like the generic superhero parody, is really another clever send up of the buddy system buddy system, Burnt Face Man being a moron (tho obviously not as stupid as characters like Blockhead)and the witty and cruel Narrator, who seems to always win, and diss Burnt Face Man at any given oppertunity. Its the innocent idiot and asshole knowall that makes the series work. Its not only a clever play on the usual Superhero set up, but also of the buddy set up.

Strong Bad & Co:
Everybody already knows well and truly about the Homestarrunner Crew, Theyve been around forever. There also probably the best example of a large yet diverse cast of clever and individual characters. Its a wonder how the series has been around for so long yet nobodys came close to pulling off such a diverse cast again.

Ingus, whats there to say, hes random words that fly out of a red necks body. While that itself doesnt lend all that well to his personality, his voice and mannerisms help make him more then just another random line of dialogue.

Toast King & Insanity Prawn Boy:
Suprise suprise, the smart and the not so smart are teamed up again, and once again, they play off each other beautifully. Praw Boys voice absolutely perfectly suited to his mannerisms and dialogue, as is Toast Kings. Its hard to argue against the amount of personality these 2 have and the chemisty between them.

Weebl & Bob:
Weebl and Bob are getting on in years, but they proove very well that theres more to character then appearences. Despite being almost identical they both incredibly individual. Weebl is the idiot incharge and Bob the gullible guy that follows him. Its another well prooven system that Weebl and Bob pull of brilliantly.

Greasy Moose Crew:
Unlike most of the other characters listed, The Greasy Moose characters are just to deep to really have a short summary of, suffice to say, there all genious.

Jerry Jackson:
Jerry Jackson was without a doubt a stroke of genious, a fictional kid who makes flash about the events in his life. His voice is unique yet somehow doesnt sound like it couldnt exist out there in the newgrounds forums. His personality is a realistic parody of the kinds of kids you find on the net. Hes the ultimate fake personality, and since he has a fictional life outside of his cartoons he earns an even greater amount of respect from me.

So then whats bad characterisation? Well, thatd be when the dialogue is written in a way that its so gag based that it doesnt matter who says it. This is a popular system in most animated sitcoms, scripts arent written with the characters in mind but rather the jokes and pop culture references are decided on and divided amoung the characters afterwards. Its a poor system and leads to toons with little to no characterisation. Some examples would be...

College University:
High School Saze:

Notice also how these series consist of 99% standing around talking? Can we have some personality please?

To check out the full blog head too "http://gerkinman.blogspot.com/"


While I do agree with all you're points on what makes a great series in terms of good personality and all that, I disagree with what I assume you are saying in the "standing around talking" part.

You can have an assload of personality with brilliant characterizations with nothing but talking, but you just have to know what you're doing. The cartoons you listed are animated by poopfaces who don't, so that explains that.

But expanding even to live-action stuff. Just talking can be great, but you'd need a great cast. Same with cartoons, just talking could be brilliant, but you'd need a hell of a character(s) and some brilliant voice actors.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

What you say is true, but i cant think of any flash ive ever seen that did it right. If you find one let me know <3

I agree. I find Waterman extremely boring because all the characters just stand around and talk most of the time.

And they dont talk about funny stuff.

What happened to Jerkoffman? :(

I dont know, i havent seen him around in a while. He was a funny guy :(

You can put as many examples you want, you still can't define what makes a good flash, or at least that's what I think.

It's ether or like it, or hate it

In the end it does come down to personal taste. That doesnt mean its technical attributes cant be judged from a technical standpoint tho.

Dude, you've been, like, dead.

Wish you'd finish your part for AFD :P

AFD? o.0

AFD is a shit concept. There your personal taste for you.

Pardon my french and my deteriorating grammar when I type fast.

out of the 9 "dissections" theres only 6 creators....that either says something about flash animations or you.


Um... so one person came up with 3 unique characters for 3 unique series...so what?

A majority of those artists are no where near "great flash animators". They're just popular. I just may be bias but I really don't consider them great.
Salad fingers is unique but not great and the creator of Blockhead is a truly talented writer and artist. A "great" flash animator would be some one like Joanime. She didn't make a thousand cartoons but the ones she did make are rememorable and high quality.

Theres more to be a great flash animator then technical prowress, and Joanime wasnt that good an animator, not only did she use an anime style which is the least practical style for animation, but her style wasnt particularly unique, as they say in the professional industry, anime is what you draw when you cant come up with a style yourself. I know alot of people miss Joanime, and i miss here more then most, we were very close.

lol tystarr....i can understand sucking up to joanime when she's around in hopes of gerkinman style pictures but calling her "great"....c'maaaaaahhhhhnnn.

"Um... so one person came up with 3 unique characters for 3 unique series...so what?"
So....youre not really making an effort to make a worthwhile essay.....youre just picking a bunch of characters by animators you like and going THIS IS COOL KTHX. Did you really need to write 20 times that the Laurel and Hardy style character dynamic "works"?

Also it's "genius" you tard.

Please mind my spelling, i spell with my accent. To be honest im not a fan of Ingus or Home Star Runner, atleast not anymore, there toons have gotten rather stale as of late. I could have put some unknowns in there but i thought that might be better suited to a dedicated blog.

I always try to make each and every one of my characters diffrent in their own way, even though 40% of them end up being stupid retards.

Also Jerry Jackson is made by David Firth, same guy that makes Salad Fingers. That's why they're also hosted on his website.

I realise he is, but the fact he was created as his own identity was enough in my mind to branch him off and give him his own thing.

I totally agree with your ideas on what makes a great character, be sure to add my protagonist Odjin to that list once my episode is out ;)


ok that was just shameless, regardless to say i agree with you on the buddy system, the idea that two clashing personalities always makes it possible to spice up the conversations, and fuck around more to be more creative with some witty quotes. i prefer it when shit happens in scenes and characters react with.

I don't know what you are trying to achieve by this. It sounds like your just shouting out your love for certain characters. This is skin deep analysis at best, and your 'observations' aren't intersting. It's kind of like the top 10 lists you see on GFaqs. I just don't think your meeting the aim of what your title suggests you would do in this series at all.

The whole point of these is to cover a bunch of areas, being good isnt about being adam phillips and having draw dropping animation. A majority of the animators listed here arent great, they are only good, but the point was to single out there aspects that can be applied to your own work to make it better. I think by taking different artists strong points into account and leaving behind there weaknesses, you can become a great animator.

mmm, you have the same views of me and my dad.
If you were to look at characters from curb your enthusiasm like larry, i think that's his name i'm not to sure, the main character carves the situations around him through his personality and interaction with other characters, but over all the troubles he causes he is still lovable because of his redeeming features like always trying to do something good, even though it turns out bad. Whereas if you've seen the british comedy, lead balloon, with Jack Dee, his character is harder to care for or about because he lacks these redeeming features. but anyway i was sorta going off track there, what i meant is that part of what makes a great character is...that.
Anyway i'm currently working on a new series now, im actually starting it right this minute after finishing the storyboard. This first episode is my least favourite out of the scripts i have written, but introduces the audience to the characters. The series is about characters and their relationships and i would appreciate hugely if once i release it, you would review it, i don't mind if you hate it which most people probably will, the first one anyway, but i'd love to have your educated opinion on the series and it's characters. Sadly it's gonna be about 7 mins or so long since there's so much rambling from the dominent character in this introduction, so it might drag on a bit which is my concern and will take a while to animate. It's called CatFat, i will send you a PM in future if you wish ;)
I love your views!
carry on writing! :D

Sure thing, i look forward to seeing it ^^

lmfao at Tystarr's response.

this website never ceases to make me shake my head in disbelief.

Also, jerkoffman went to Japan and disappeared. we'll probably never see him again. the country absorbed him like an amoeba.

awww, i miss him :(

I hope Pigpen (too lazy to write it his way) is just goofing around. What on earth does a guy making more than one good series have to do with it being good? Are you dense? Seriously, if anything, the fact that two great series' came from mind is even more example of the talent with the author.


Just making sure you knew.

I think it's very hypocritical of you to state this knowledge of "What Makes A Great Flash Animator" when I fail to see you produce anything partically special yourself. It is all personal opinion I know, but none of the works I've seen from you has entertained me at all, most of which I wasn't able to sit right the way through. I find it rude of you to poke and fault the works of others when I'd say your Nimbin series, for example, has a serious lack of personality in it's characters, the animations stale and the scripts aren't funny. Normally I wouldn't do this and if I cared about a piece of work enough I'd normally say where I feel it could improve rather than take digs at it, but I've notice you whine about this stuff and other popular animations a lot so I feel this had to be said.

I only just now read this and your previous post, and I'm flattered :D You know, two years ago I wanted to get into digital art and make a real hobby out of it, but I shied away from still art because I knew I lacked the talent to make something worthwhile. I got into animation because I thought it would be easier - with so many moving pictures on the screen, how could a viewer focus on any one poorly drawn image for too long? But it didn't take long before I really started to respect the art.

And to respond to your previous blog (saving space!), I am completely self taught only insofar as I've referred myself to guide books and examined my favorite animations standards...I haven't been schooled in animation or cartooning. Some of my biggest inspirations on here have been JohnnyUtah, Mindchamber, and Sexual-Lobster, to name only a handful. If I've made any improvements, then I owe it to them for giving me a standard that I want to work toward.

In the end, I personally rather enjoy reinventing the wheel rather than finding the 'best' way to do something; it's much more memorable and teaches a greater lesson, I think. You end up with bigger mistakes, which is the best indication to you as an artist that you've got something else to improve upon.

I only just now read this and your previous post, and I'm flattered :D
Never expected to find you commenting on me blogs.

Your probably the nicest guy on Newgrounds. I dont know too many people that are as honest and positive as you come accross.

you are a real director!