Driven, if nothing else.

Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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Gerkinman's News

Posted by Gerkinman - July 21st, 2008

I had a dream, nay, a vision, and in this vision was a place known as Newgrounds. It was the year 2010. There was a robot in every house hold, cars could fly, and women knew that they belonged in the kitchen. But that was just the beginning, yes indeed. One day in the year of 2010 i decided to check back on my old time killer, Newgrounds.com.

It would seem the site had gone threw some major changes. While the yellow and orange colour scheme had long since moved on to a colour scheme of Orpiment and Cadmium, the user base itself remained unchanged. Tom Fulp with all his wisdom knew that in order to keep the people happy he would need cater to this generation of internet savy children, and so, a new voting and review system was born. This generation didnt have the brain power to discern between good and bad, nor did they have the intelligence to put there thoughts into words, so Tom devised the most brilliant of schemes. It was called the "Yes/No" System. After years of studying the voting habbits of his user base Tom realised that the only 2 ratings people ever voted on a flash were "0" and "5" he realised that he could quite easily just switch the system to "Yes" for a rating of "5" and "No" for a rating of "0". And so he did, and the villagers rejoiced. But sadly, this wasnt enough, no, the review system too needed a large reworking. So once again, after much research and stat tracking he discovered most reviews consisted of either "lol funny" or "wtf, blam this shit, go die". And so, the review system was replaced with the choice of 2 pre-determined options, namely "lol funny" or "wtf, blam this shit, go die". And once again, the people rejoiced.

I couldnt help but wonder, what happened to all the artists that focused on original creations, and low and behold, there they were, complaining about the fact they get ignored, and theyre the parody animators were, bragging about the fact that their scores were infinitely higher. I had thought to myself that by this time everybody with a drop of originality would have realised it wasnt the websites fault nobody cares about them, but rather the fact that society hates what it does not understand and would refuse to support anything that was beyond its brain capacity. But no, the pointless war wages on. Would it ever end? Who could say.

By this time i had had enough, i closed my explorer window, shut down my computron and proceeded to engage in sexual intercourse with my wife, and her 2 clones. This was the tale of newgrounds.com in the year 2010.

And then i woke up...

Newgrounds in the year 2010

Posted by Gerkinman - July 14th, 2008

Holy shit, i just had Wonchop call my mobile, i have no idea how he got my number, i dont hand it out to anybody. Anyways, im sitting here at work, my phone rings, i answer it, and its fucking wonchop saying Gerkinman over and over really slowly. So, because this is so strange i ask him whats going on. He tells me everybody on the internet has turned on him and hates him, even people he thought were his friends. Hes very stressed at the moment. I ask him why he has called me, especially since i hate him myself. He tells me because i know what its like to be hated by everyone. After that uplifting piece of information i told him to just leave the internet and wait for it all to blow over, but no, the internet means to much to him. Then he tells me he has a gun in his hand and screamed into the phone for about 20 seconds. I proceeded to hang up on him and turn off my phone so he couldnt call me back.

This all happened just now.

So dear Wonchop

If you were being serious, i hope you went threw with it, the shit you pulled was bad enough, but to make an international call to tell me im the only person you know thats as hated as you are and that makes us friends and i should help you is bullshit. Good riddens.

If you werent being serious... grow some fucking balls, man up and move on. Consider yourself lucky i wasnt at the con. While most people around here thrive on E-Drama and rely on their friends and words to solve their problems, both online and off, as was evident at the con, i personally prefer to solve my problems with my fists and would have been more then happy to have hit you, several times, had i been there.

Dont ever call my fucking mobile again and dont ever, EVER compare yourself to me again and pray we never meet in person while your at it.

In other news, heres a picture of Gerkinman and independant aussie comic star Billy Demon Slayer i drew.

So Wonchop Just Called My Mobile

Posted by Gerkinman - July 6th, 2008

And that special someone is sliced bread. Yes, today is the 80th birthday of sliced bread. Happy birthday sliced bread loaf. The world wouldnt be the same without you.

On a side note, expect a new movie in the next 2 weeks, what it is however is a secret.

Also, heres another picture i did. Isnt the bee cute? Awww.

The most important birthday of the year is today.

Posted by Gerkinman - June 29th, 2008

First of all, id like to just say i have a new showreel up, its pretty much everything ive been working on over the last 6 months, some of these cartoons have been released, others im still working on, so its as much a preview as it is a flash back.

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Now down to business, im sure their have been quite a number of people here who have seen the trailer for "Disaster Movie" This little gem here.

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Holy shit does it look terrible, and a majority of people agree. So my question is, why is wrong for hollywood to make shit like this, but Newgrounds promotes the exact same tripe, albeit in flash form, as something worthy of being noticed and popular? Now im not saying parodies are bad, infact Spaceballs is one of my all time favorite movies and its a parody.

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The difference being its actually well written and the jokes come from the source materials rather then just mashing pop culture references together in the hope that for every ten misses theres atleast one hit. But once again, back to my original point, who the hell is the audience that keeps going to see these piece of shit movies? Im guessing it has to be the same people that make the craptastic parodies here. So heres my advice to you people. Keep making your piece of shit parodies, and make them less and less entertaining, hell, dont make them entertaining at all, and you too can one day join hollywood and get paid millions to make horrible horrible movies. I cant wait until we start seeing 4chan references in my hollywood movies, the idea of a 50 million dollar "Over 9000" movie gets me excited...in the pants! Newgrounds, 5 years from now we will be seeing names from here gracing cinemas greatest abominations.

Where does that leave anybody with a drip of originality in them? In the gutter, where they belong. Dirty Swine.

Finally, heres a pic i drew =D

Newgrounds - The next generation of Disaster Movies?

Posted by Gerkinman - June 2nd, 2008

But i didnt work on that, however i did work on a movie called "Whats That Sound?" and it too came out yesterday/today. You can find it here.

Whats That Sound?

Currently it has a whopping score of 3.57. Not bad for a flash that only took a few hundred hours (Mainly on the backgrounds). Not to mention actually getting the rights too/ and commisioning music for. If you havent seen it yet go and check it out, and vote fairly. Ones and Two's seem pretty appropriate. It is an original cartoon after all and hardly what you would call conventional.

So i suppose now thats out of the way ill have to finish "Break On Through" and ill be ready to start the new Nimbin series. Or maybe ill get a Nimbin short out before its release, hard to say at this point in time, i do have some ideas for some 1 minuteish shorts that wouldnt take too long to make... in theory.

And so, i will leave you now with a few skits from an Australian TV series called Pizza. Why? Because Newgrounds needs more ethnic comedy, and god knows im not the man to make it...or am i?

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And finally, in celebration of "Whats That Sound?"s release, heres the full version of the second "Ultimate Asparagus" toon that wasnt featured on Newgrounds because of the live action backgrounds.

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Posted by Gerkinman - May 25th, 2008

Another week goes by and another week without the release of the final Ultimate Asparagus cartoon goes along with it. Its coming its coming, just keep waiting, not long now.

However, looking ahead, as hinted in my last Journal, Nimbin is officially coming back. I wont be giving anything about stories away, but i will say that this will not be a serial, some of these Nimbin cartoons will be very short, others will be longer, most will be around the 3 minute mark at most. They will focus on different characters (much as the original comics did) and seperate stories. It might take a bit of adjusting to get used to the new art style and character designs, but im sure for most people (Since Nimbin wasnt all that popular originally anyway) it wont be a big deal. Nimbin comics are also being written for a graphic novel release, much like the shorts these will focus on completely different stories and different characters, two are already written and only one contains any of the original cast. I was also going to originally recruit some of Newgrounds "talent" but after Egoraptor shooting me down because i dont like his other stuff and hes not interested in doing anything "different" i once again decided to do all the male voices myself. Ive come a long way since the original series was done and you can expect to hear a more old skool Ren and Stimpy approach to the voices rather then the more common "annoying and fast paced" voices that seem to be popular at the moment. So if any girls out there can act without sounding like the kind of girls found in the typical anime dub feel free to contact me. So uhhh... heres some concept art.

Yes, i am blending real people in with my animation, and no, its not like anything you have ever seen on Newgrounds before.

Sonic And Sprites Suck Dicks

Posted by Gerkinman - May 16th, 2008

The Ultimate Asparagus has once again hit a speed bump causing release to be pushed back. Now now, it was nothing nasty, infact it was my fault. I decided i wanted to make one particular scene into a very nice frame by frame sequence, which doesnt sound like much, but when you consider its 40 seconds long and im animating at 30fps you can see how it might stight to take a little time. Once this scene is finished the rest will come easy, but until then... many a sleepless night. Boom Blox and GTA4 dont help either.

In other news, once Break on Through and Hush are out of the way i might be reviving one of my old series, not the original Gerkinman and not War of the Worlds (Which i instead have bigger plans for if this new iteration of an old series goes well). Heres a hint, its about 4 little creatures and there adventures around the town of Nimbin. Can you guess what it is?

And finally heres the poster for the upcoming Asparagus short. Its also in a similar style to how i plan to do this revived series.

Super Smash Bros is Shit!

Posted by Gerkinman - May 8th, 2008

The last Ultimate Asparagus cartoon is almost finished, i know im running a little behind, but you can thank GTA4 for that. Gimme 2 weeks and itll be done and i can get to work on other things. Break on Through shouldnt be far behind.

Speaking of GTA4, Brucie is probably without argument the single coolest video game character ever, bar none.

Not speaking of GTA4, the Newgrounds Tank Awards, i dunno what to think about it... On the one hand its cool to see people get this kind of recognition, but on the other hand leaving it up to the general Newgrounds community to decide the nominees (indirectly i know), i dont know how i feel about it, not that the submissions arent good, or great even, i just think there where alot of other flash far more deserving then alot of the nominations. Almost as if next year there needs to be a 3rd catogory, for best flash nobody saw. Tho i know the implications of finding the nominees for that would be insain. Its still something i think thats worth looking at for the future.

Lastly, heres a picture of Rtil playing a drum and yelling about "how right he is". Im not sure what it is exactly hes right about, probably everything, and at the same time nothing.

That said, im out.


Red hot vaginas and caramel cream pies!

Posted by Gerkinman - April 15th, 2008

Things are crazy here at the moment, flash wise atleast.

It looks like i may be able to get the last Ultimate Asparagus cartoon (for now) out by the end of this month. Im powering threw it. But thats not all thats on the way, oh no.

Next month should see the release of my first full music video since Peaches, Break on Through (Screenshot below). The Doors fans rejoice, im really happy with how its coming out.

The month after that? Surely i can have even more in the works? But whats this? I do? Yes, a short story about the life of someone that works in the animation business, lives alone, and is to busy trying to make a living to go out and make friends and all that sorta stuff. Loosely based on my own life over the past year. I call it "Hush".

Is there more after that? Well yes there is, a trilogy of short animations, all with an environmental theme will be soon to follow.

Im also part of numerous collabs (Excluding the new One Love collab being run by Qwazin, i got kicked out for not being the most friendly of people and having bashed most of the other artists taking place in the project at some point).

I could go on and on, and for once, i actually know these things WILL happen, this isnt like Conforming the Laughter (Which is still coming god knows when) and Randy Rocket Snail (Currently in limbo due to me not knowing what exactly i want to do with it, a game, a movie, a series, a graphic novel). These are all in the works, past the planning stages and on there way.

This is the year i make a come back. And im doing it with a vengence.

And best of all, not a parody in sight. Infact...not even a "comedy" in sight...I guess i have changed over the years...

Oh Shit! Im Cuming! EUGH!

Posted by Gerkinman - March 31st, 2008

First of all i would like to apologize for my behaviour over the last few weeks. Ive pissed off alot of people i would rather not have as well as embaressed myself...again. So im going to slow down on all my authur bashing and whatnot (not including sprite folk, the hammers of war march on as far as they are concerned). I guess i was just frustrated, my drawing/animation has barely improved over the years, and i still get frustrated when i see good original content ignored in favor of cheap parody rubbish. On the upside, having everybody turn on me after i turned on them resparked my desire for improvement and got me back into drawing and animation again, serious drawing too, not just simple little doodles. I guess i have the desire to proove everybody wrong and to proove i can create decent stuff to drive me...

Anyways, on an unrelated note, for all you Australians around Brisbane and northern New South Wales, Supanova is this weekend and i will be attending. You can find me at the OzTaku booth doing $2 commisions. Ill most likely be doing charicatures and whatnot. So feel free to drop in and say hello.

Also, here is a bird i drew, i might do something with him in the future because MRat told me too 8D

Supanova and apologies.