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Age 38, Male

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Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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Jesus, that Gerkinman is such a faggot, Game parodys always have and always will take way more creativity and time to create then anything remotely original!

you arent the first person to rant about this. nor will you be the last.

i've been ranting about this shit since 2004. you cant change this place.
you just cant.

Yeh, i know, but i felt bad for not having done it yet :(

We need to organise some kind of online protest, like a bunch of original artists all spamming the same principles and ideas on the same day or something.

Its all i can think off.

D: This place should be called Mario grounds

and well, yeah, I entirely agree with your complain, but well, it would be hard for this place to exist without imbeciles thinking that a Mario vs. Sonic sprite flash would totally rank in the top 50 and become famous (the saddest part of this is...that they aren't exactly wrong)

Well :( non-sprites artists! let's not give up!

There is in fact a rule you broke in your review. Reviews are supposed to offer criticism of the artist's work. Saying something is stolen is against the rules.

From the FAQ:
"If you believe an entry is stolen, do not comment about it in your review. If you are wrong, you may convince other users that the entry is stolen and you may cause a legitimate entry to receive an unfairly low score, or have the whistle blown on it. Use the whistle option, if available, to flag the entry as stolen when you believe that is the case. If there is no whistle option available (the entry is no longer under judgment) contact Wade with as many details as you can about the stolen Flash and where you think it was stolen from."

The word stolen in a review is an almost instant flag.

There is a big difference between a stolen flash and stolen content. I have offered constructive critism in my reviews of his work numerous times in the past, without using the word stolen at all, and my reviews were still deleted.

"We need to organise some kind of online protest, like a bunch of original artists all spamming the same principles and ideas on the same day or something."

It's been done.
It was called F-Day
And Wade Day

I stand corrected

1. faggotfaggot - offensive term for an openly homosexual man
fag, fagot, nance, poof, poove, pouf, queer, fairy, pansy, queen
derogation, disparagement, depreciation - a communication that belittles somebody or something
gay man, shirtlifter - a homosexual man
2. faggotfaggot - a bundle of sticks and branches bound together
sheaf, bundle - a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing
Verb 1. faggot - ornament or join (fabric) by faggot stitch; "He fagotted the blouse for his wife"
broider, embroider - decorate with needlework
2. faggot - fasten together rods of iron in order to heat or weld them
metallurgy - the science and technology of metals
tie down, tie up, truss, bind - secure with or as if with ropes; "tie down the prisoners"; "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed"
3. faggot - bind or tie up in or as if in a faggot; "faggot up the sticks"
faggot up, fagot
tie down, tie up, truss, bind - secure with or as if with ropes; "tie down the prisoners"; "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed"

I want to have your man babies

in all honesty, there's little you can do to change things.
i just left a long review for some sprite cartoon and already another reviewer is telling the authors to disregard mine because "we live in the 21st century and everything is ripped off"

people here will never learn.
all you can do is rage against the system. but the system wont change. because the system makes money.

go fig

Yeh, it will never change, but neither will i. An ongoing cycle.

You'll just have to deal with it, there will always be Mario and Sonic movies in Newgrounds... whether it is in sprite form or not.

"Whether it be its own page, or the front page properly divided between original content and the parody work thats needed to keep traffic coming to the site, original content needs more exposure."

I was thinking something similar along the same line. Maybe we should do a front page which divides both original content and parody work equally. As for judging for the prize maybe we can do a separate judging between "best original movie" and "best parody movie." If Newgrounds want to promote original content they'll have to give extra cash to the people who made original flash movies in order to motivate them. Of course, this means more expense for Newgrounds though.

By the way, I got no clue what's an F-day is :(

Can someone atleast mix it up a little and make a decent battletoads cartoon?!?!?!

It is sad, I never seen it this way. But I think its true, you only can score prices if you do a very well known something, like Mario or Awesome. But if people delete negative reviews, that is so sad.

I like to give an example myself, I'm not a Flash Artist, but Audio, I'm still learning alot, but already joining collabs. But the reviews I get, positive or negative, I don't delete, I learn from them :)

The audio portal has problems itself, and I think we can't do much, only one thing: Don't try to change the Portals, change yourself, be original, don't focus on the prices. Look at Cornandbeans(<a href="http://cornandbeans.newgrounds.com/">http://cornandbeans.newgrounds.com/</a>) one of the greatest audio artists on this site, and never won a price. But he is always original... Maybe we can learn from this people

Yeah with the review system, I don't think anyone even looks at flagged reviews. Though with yours, you didn't actually like, say anything helpful at all in it.

I try to be most of the time, i just dont to people who throw it back at me.

It's kind of like the KK, you just have to ignore it and hope it goes away.

If they did throw it back at you, just tell 'em to fuck off :)

I say go ahead and use sprites.
I'm not looking at flashes to see good art, boring story.

You're allowed to use sprites on Newgrounds, and that's why your review was deleted.
You have to say more than "stolen", say why you didn't like the flash

The review was surely removed because its a pointless review? If you expect a review to stay in which you are trying to out something as stolen - prove it, provide examples. Obvious stuff like senselessly calling people faggots and stuff will get your reviews removed too - although i realise you didn't do that, a lot of people do.

Still, having said all the above i reviewed a stolen movie once, provided all the details on where it was stolen to and directed anyone reading the review towards proof and it was still removed. What the fuck?

im not so much concerned concerned as to whether it was removed due to my comments about all the stolen sprites, but rather the fact there are alot of authors out there now who are using there fanboys to flag low scoring reviews so they get deleted and the review average stays high, it has little to nothing to do with the comments. Which makes me wonder what the point of them is. Its like anything other then ass kissing is worthy of deleting, rather like sheezy art.

Yeah I know it sucks that sprites are dominating. I know I can't really rant on the matter because both my earlier works are VG parodies, but I am working on original content. I personally think that whether you win or lose its how you play the game. I personally think that as long as you get an awesome score that its really cool. so what if your score isn't higher than 4, you end up making a lot of people really happy. As for the review, I dunno throw in a few sentences of criticism before you rant. Then they can't complain! anyway that is my two cents.

85% of newgrounds say they hate sprites but over half of the people use sprites and the other half would give a mario flash a 5 before they'd bother to watch an original movie.

Speaking of which cue a compilation of mario shorts hitting newgrounds in 3....2....1..

And there they are.

Good grief. Another flashist crying over good sprite animations getting awards they deserve. I know I can't set you straight, but I can try. First of all, you take some random generic youtuber's quote and act like it is completely true. Then you give a review that bashes the flash and is completely abusive. Obviously, you do not know what a review is and therefore it got removed because it wasn't a real review. Reviews are supposed to be concentrated on the quality of a flash, whether it be sprites or not. Smash Kingdom Melee IS a quality flash. It runs smoothly, has funny jokes, and makes good use of sprites. Only good sprite animations are making it to the front page these days, yet you act like anything with sprites gets lots of awards. SKM deserved it's daily first due to it's near perfection. If you want "original" flashes to be "noticed", they have to be GOOD. That is why GOOD original flashes DO make it to the frontpage. If you could take control of Newgrounds, we'd be seeing KK crap all over the frontpage. Why? Because you're a foolish flashist who doesn't know the difference between a good animation and a bad animation. Heck, you probably write trashy "reviews" for Super Mario Bros Z because you fail to notice it's near flawless animation. Good thing you flashists are a minority on Newgrounds. Once your kind dies off, Newgrounds can finally prosper. You people are the problem, not the answer.

Your right, people who go to the effort of making there own characters, creating there own worlds and coming up with there own ideas are the problem. How could i be so blind. Oh wait, im not.

SKM is a horrible flash, that does run smoothly, because theres so little animation in it, has horrible horrible jokes that have been done to death since newgrounds conception, and has terrible use of sprites with no attempt to try to make everything blend together, so everything looks out of place and the very few parts that are original sprites look absolutely woeful.

But its true, i dont know the first thing about quality animation, hell, ive only been doing it professionally for 3 years now. How could i possibly match the skills of alvin earthworm and his amazing tweening. I cant, i just cant. He's so much more talented then Adam Phillips i dont even know why Adam Phillips still posts his cartoons here.

It is a good thing talented people are a minority alright, god forbid people who know what theyre actually doing take over the site. I cant wait till everyone with talent dies off so the website can be filled with Sonic vs Mario sprite cartoons with Dragon Ball Z sound effects and music from final fantasy, its going to be heaven.

Seriously, Gerkinman, not all flash movies are bad. Sure, most of them have terrible jokes and animation, but their is still those that shine, like Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom. Sure, it had some really stupid jokes in it at some points, but other than the occasional bad reference and senseless dance, it was well animated and well written (despite the lack of dialogue).

Also, yes, many people do not get noticed because of originality over sprites, but you ranting about it couldn't do much. try taking advantage of some features the site has to offer. If you find a good game/movie in the portal, start spreading the word with some PMs and recommendations and reviews. If more people took advantage of these tools, better movies would get better attention, because people would take the time to help them.

I know not all flash cartoons are bad, its just getting increasingly hard to find the gold amongst the rough.

Eh, SPRITE movies I meant in the beginning, sorry. I'm a little tired.

Its okay, that happens sometimes.

one day it'll change.

And as for rewiewing - I've left many a bad review for sprite movies; one has stayed to this day and "there is general debate over whether this review is helpful or not - but it's mostly ABUSIVE"

Maybe you could show someone in a movie how eay it is to make...but I don't know if you'd want to waste anymore time on the subject.

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