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Newgrounds - The next generation of Disaster Movies?

Posted by Gerkinman - June 29th, 2008

First of all, id like to just say i have a new showreel up, its pretty much everything ive been working on over the last 6 months, some of these cartoons have been released, others im still working on, so its as much a preview as it is a flash back.

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Now down to business, im sure their have been quite a number of people here who have seen the trailer for "Disaster Movie" This little gem here.

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Holy shit does it look terrible, and a majority of people agree. So my question is, why is wrong for hollywood to make shit like this, but Newgrounds promotes the exact same tripe, albeit in flash form, as something worthy of being noticed and popular? Now im not saying parodies are bad, infact Spaceballs is one of my all time favorite movies and its a parody.

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The difference being its actually well written and the jokes come from the source materials rather then just mashing pop culture references together in the hope that for every ten misses theres atleast one hit. But once again, back to my original point, who the hell is the audience that keeps going to see these piece of shit movies? Im guessing it has to be the same people that make the craptastic parodies here. So heres my advice to you people. Keep making your piece of shit parodies, and make them less and less entertaining, hell, dont make them entertaining at all, and you too can one day join hollywood and get paid millions to make horrible horrible movies. I cant wait until we start seeing 4chan references in my hollywood movies, the idea of a 50 million dollar "Over 9000" movie gets me excited...in the pants! Newgrounds, 5 years from now we will be seeing names from here gracing cinemas greatest abominations.

Where does that leave anybody with a drip of originality in them? In the gutter, where they belong. Dirty Swine.

Finally, heres a pic i drew =D

Newgrounds - The next generation of Disaster Movies?


Jeebus, that Gerkinman is such a fag!

That looks horrible, all of it.
Bah, some of your movies look good.

Meh, im average.

At hollywood they get paid to think, here everybody is free to do as they please.
Why complain about people who have no obligations to you.

Because they are the people that are holding alot of talented people back.

nice stuff I see improvement too!

Thanks man, im pretty happy with the way my new vector style is coming along, theres only one clip in there that really shows it off.

The entire " _____ Movie" line of films has been horrible...all of them save the first two or three Scary Movie flicks, and only because they were so bad that you had to laugh.

It's just a genre exploitation thing. It won't stop, so might as well fasten your seatbelt.

I just dont understand how the directors havent been assasinated yet.

Wit and satire died in 2000


talented people find a way to break through I think (hope)

Ill beleive it when i see it.

my heart kinda stopped beating when i saw over 9000 on the front page

i dont mind the awesome movies that much, even if i dont watch them, but... ugh.

I died a little inside.

Give people the power to vote
With a generation that "I don't give a shit"
Add a side order of the internet
And you get "the end of the world as we know it" Kinda thing.

Hey everyone its the end of the world...
everyone "meh"

nice pic btw


yƩ, awesome serie have some good grafics, but the jokes are just crap.
Also the over 9000 could been saved if the song was good, but in the end its nothing special.
Also, nice drawn.

Wow, that Disaster Movie is a real movie? Not a single thing in that trailer was laugh-worthy. Parody movies stopped being funny after Scary Movie 2.

If you want a hilarious movie with stupid humour, watch "Airplane!". Great movie.

Indeed it is a great movie.

They don't care about making good movies, if it gets enough views, enough people pay to see it, they will keep making them.

Well i doubt they cost anything to make, you can only profit off them.

It's probably because Hollywood movies are made with big budgets, large crews, and expensive casts, whereas flashes are usually made by one person, painstakingly slowly, for no money.

It's not like we'll let anything in, but we don't expect amazing quality if we can get a good laugh out of it.

Thats my point tho, just because your working with flash for free doesnt mean you cant make something great, people just like to take the quick and easy route.

Urgh.. I'm pretty sure those directors of those "____ Movies" just shit them out and put a title on it... maybe some sprinkles too. Its sad, but I'm pretty sure people will go watch those movies. It just shows how humour has... gone down. [Sad Face]

Cheap sprinkles if that.

:I just dont understand how the directors havent been assasinated yet.
With profit marines of well over one hundred dollars a movie I can see how these movies keep getting made. The producers are becoming super rich! With the price of meth dipping like it is, I'm estimating at LEAST another 10 or 15 craptabulous movies coming out in the next few years.

:Thats my point tho, just because your working with flash for free doesnt mean :you cant make something great, people just like to take the quick and easy :route.
Egoraptor points this out in one of his little... flash... things... a lot of people don't care about quality. Some people like watching poorly drawn movies and movies with garbage content. People copy Egorapor's animations and lower the bar for everyone else. From an artistic standpoint, its like opening a Walmart in a town full of small business owners. Eventually what will have to happen is people will have to get sick of watching garbage and start raising their standards. Artists of higher caliber will have to produce a few masterpieces to remind people that garbage flash gets old.
I'm not saying Egoraptor is garbage, a lot of what he does is funny, I'm just saying lowering your own standards to have people like you is pretty low class.

Ive always been of the mind that people are sheep and like whatever the masses tell them to watch, because as we all know, 90% of people are complete morons.

Buck up man. Know at least that in the movie world, movies like those never get any real fame or Oscars. Quality original movies are still being made and are never in direct competition with these bad movies. They are made for two different mentalities and attention spans. In the same way that they cannot strap you down and make you watch Meet the Spartans and convince you of its humor, you cannot strap them down and show them Pride and Prejudice and convince them of its brilliance. But I think the real point you are venting here is that your original work needs to overcome this hill of degenerative mindsets to reach a higher position of mass appreciation. However if that's the case, you need to ask yourself what you really want: a Blockbuster (massive fame+ massive appreciation), or an Oscar winner (historic fame+ selective smaller appreciation of a higher taste)? Because in all honesty it can't be both. (The exceptions to this would be The Passion of the Christ and Lord of the Rings, but both are based on books and thus not original).

And the drawing is really swell in some parts, like the rubber hose arms and the organic-ness of those lips as they puff out smoke. And the shading is well done on the jacket and around the fingers holding the cigarette. But I personally don't like when females are given those eyes, no nose, large lips and exaggerated hair buns as they remind me of that horrible chain of toys called Bratz. But that's just personal taste, not really a crit on its quality or execution.

My god another horrible parody mivie movie...crativity in movies has died. I feel sad that most of the items on the front page are concidered "good". Though I think that some "horrily drawn" or parodies that are "too simple" can be very funny, like egoraptor's stuff, however even with those parodies it is a matter of good writing.

The funny thing is that the 'from the creators of XXXXX movie' keeps being used, but even people not too intersted in hollywood and films know that the franchise is terrible and it would make them avoid it. Like you said I just can't imagine what is keeping these movies being funded and made, I know literally noone who would want to watch them.

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