First of all, id like to just say i have a new showreel up, its pretty much everything ive been working on over the last 6 months, some of these cartoons have been released, others im still working on, so its as much a preview as it is a flash back.
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Now down to business, im sure their have been quite a number of people here who have seen the trailer for "Disaster Movie" This little gem here.
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Holy shit does it look terrible, and a majority of people agree. So my question is, why is wrong for hollywood to make shit like this, but Newgrounds promotes the exact same tripe, albeit in flash form, as something worthy of being noticed and popular? Now im not saying parodies are bad, infact Spaceballs is one of my all time favorite movies and its a parody.
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The difference being its actually well written and the jokes come from the source materials rather then just mashing pop culture references together in the hope that for every ten misses theres atleast one hit. But once again, back to my original point, who the hell is the audience that keeps going to see these piece of shit movies? Im guessing it has to be the same people that make the craptastic parodies here. So heres my advice to you people. Keep making your piece of shit parodies, and make them less and less entertaining, hell, dont make them entertaining at all, and you too can one day join hollywood and get paid millions to make horrible horrible movies. I cant wait until we start seeing 4chan references in my hollywood movies, the idea of a 50 million dollar "Over 9000" movie gets me the pants! Newgrounds, 5 years from now we will be seeing names from here gracing cinemas greatest abominations.
Where does that leave anybody with a drip of originality in them? In the gutter, where they belong. Dirty Swine.
Finally, heres a pic i drew =D
Jeebus, that Gerkinman is such a fag!