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Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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More Brawl Taunts Released

Posted by Gerkinman - June 2nd, 2008

But i didnt work on that, however i did work on a movie called "Whats That Sound?" and it too came out yesterday/today. You can find it here.

Whats That Sound?

Currently it has a whopping score of 3.57. Not bad for a flash that only took a few hundred hours (Mainly on the backgrounds). Not to mention actually getting the rights too/ and commisioning music for. If you havent seen it yet go and check it out, and vote fairly. Ones and Two's seem pretty appropriate. It is an original cartoon after all and hardly what you would call conventional.

So i suppose now thats out of the way ill have to finish "Break On Through" and ill be ready to start the new Nimbin series. Or maybe ill get a Nimbin short out before its release, hard to say at this point in time, i do have some ideas for some 1 minuteish shorts that wouldnt take too long to make... in theory.

And so, i will leave you now with a few skits from an Australian TV series called Pizza. Why? Because Newgrounds needs more ethnic comedy, and god knows im not the man to make it...or am i?

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And finally, in celebration of "Whats That Sound?"s release, heres the full version of the second "Ultimate Asparagus" toon that wasnt featured on Newgrounds because of the live action backgrounds.

/* */


Oh Gerkinman, your so clever. Make sweet love to me! Please!

Those vids bring back some memories.

I used to watch Pizza all the time, too bad they got cancelled.

Only the first 3 seasons were really any good, once sleek and davo where gone that was the end.

Knocked it from 3.59 to 3.60. You are now blue again. You can thank me for eternity by tattooing your soul with my web address.

Yay, daily 10th. I love you <3

I helped save it while it was under judgment. I've done enough for you already... D'oh, fine.

"3.61 / 5.00" to " 3.62 / 5.00 (+ 0.012)"

You owe me one.

Call in the favor anytime.


Pizza was the best fucking comedy on TV. Far better than your crappy 'What's That Sound'... :D

My movie needs more Mc Doggle.

Got it from a 3.65 to a 3.66, by the first comment on ur post, I can REALLY tell you have some very devoted fans.

Voted 5. 3.66 > 3.67. I already voted 5 when it was under judgment so looks like you owe me two favors... maybe by voting 5 and giving me a review of 10 on my awesome new Sonic cartoon! kthnxbi

Pizza FTW!!!...best show on SBS...lol

I really liked the live action "Ultimate Asparagus" cartoon.

The backgrounds were really amazing, what was dissapointing was the sound, the sound levels were pretty bad, especially when gerkinman comes along, you really need to fix that on your next cartoon, but on you live action short the sound is fine, I wonder what went wrong.

recorded with different equipment.

If you dislike the Brawl Taunts, I don't blame you.


C'mon Gerkin whats taking you so long that songs like two minutes long damnit >: (

I had to finish this >:(

it deserves a better score :@

3.69 / 5.00 (- 0.014)

Thanks PiGGY, i can always rely on you to make a difference.

4.25 / 5.00 (+omfg) .... ok i lied my voting power is not even close.

I dub you sir magic fingers.

Also, i added you to AIM but i never see you online, id say your AIM on display here isnt your main one :P

Better than Brawl taunts.

ahaha man you soooo crazy