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Age 38, Male

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The easy way to make a living out of flash... no ads attached.

Posted by Gerkinman - February 7th, 2010

Now im not someone that spends allot of time online these days, and even less floating around Newgrounds, but something i have noticed lately is how many people want to make a living out of flash, and how most of those people seem to think the only way is to put flash ads into your work and then on top of that make something that that will appeal to the mass audience, like video game parodies or whatever.

Now i dont know how to post this blog without sounding like an arrogant twat, but im going to post it anyway.

Fact is ive been making more then enough money doing flash work for almost 6 years now (discounting the 5 month period last year with no job and no internet connection, preventing freelance work). And its not hard to do. Im not a great flash animator, hell, im not even a good flash animator, my skills are average are best, but thats not always what employers are looking for. My first flash job was making banner ads, it wasn't always the funnest job in the world, and sometimes i found it down right frustrating, but it always paid the bills, and eventually, after a few years, it was paying the bills with over $300 a week left over to spend. I didn't get the job because i was a frame by frame wizard or a great artist, i got it because i could do the work, and do it quick, which in the world of online media, where an ad's turnaround might only be 2 or 3 days, including any changes and multiple resizes (the standards being 300x250, 728x90 and 160x600 with all variations between). I wasn't living in the city either, i was in a small country town, you will find these places everywhere, no matter where you live. And so, as my first piece of advice, seek these places out, show them your show reel, and focus not on how good you are, but rather how fast you are and your ability to make a dead line.

Now since then i have changed jobs, i got a job in a warehouse of all places and thought i would be stuck there, happily, this has turned out not to be the case. See, this is a small business that has never known anything about marketing, i showed them what i was capable of doing in flash, a little animation based around there products, and low and behold, im now working on all there marketing, now im no marketing genius, but i know how to use gradients to make things look nice, and wouldn't you know it, sales are up on the products ive been working on. And now, due to this, im designing the OSD for a media center, something ive never come even remotely close to working on before, but because i know how to animate and have done a bit of web work, learning about what makes something easy to use, i seem to be ideal for the job. So thanks to flash, ive gone from being a warehouse worker to a marketing director and head of R&D. So theres my second piece of advice, think outside the box, look for places that NEED your help and skills, but don't know it yet because sometimes you will be surprised what can come out of it.

On top of that ive been putting myself out there, doing freelance work, everything from short promos for musicals to commissions from models on Model Mayhem, it all pays and its all fun. But i had to seek that work out, you cant just sit around waiting to be discovered, not in this world.

Of course, some people want to just be animators, and work on movies and whatnot, and thats fine. I personally hated being a cog in a factory, a slave to a project that someone else will grab the credit for (the reason i left the original flash banner job), because unless your working your own projects thats all you will ever be, a cog in a machine, going around and around but never moving anywhere.

Im to ambitious to go back to that, hopefully i will never have to work for anyone aside from myself again. So what are you going to be? The cog in the wheels of a train, just turning in place, or the train driver taking passengers on a journey to there next destination?

That said, time to lighten the mood. Song of the week. The Hilltop Hoods - The light you burned and . The Hilltop Hoods are an Australian hip hop group that have been putting out awesome songs for a number of years now. Since most people that read this are outside of the country, i thought id feature them this week. You get 2 for the price of one this week, lucky you.

/* */

/* */
This is the end, my only friend, the end.

By the way heres a new screen from The Telescope, yeh, i can balance full time work, freelance work, and personal projects. I miss having a life but them's are the breaks.

The easy way to make a living out of flash... no ads attached.


Eh I'm doing pretty well off flash ads, though I don't plan on doing that forever.
Probably move onto making games for iphone or DS once I'm finished school, or maybe some other software engineering job if it ain't too boring.

Yeh, i wouldn't mind getting into game development, except i cant code... :(

you forgot to mention all the cash you've been raking in because of the new haircut! :D

Should have kept the mustache, i hear the adult entertainment industry pays well, if your male at least. Aw haw haw haw.

Hmmm... Your story as inspirtational as it is, it may not really be a guide or something that is possbile to follow, because some of the things that happened to you were based on luck.

Anyways, I'm glad you are doing well economicaly

After some of the not so great stuff ive been through i dont know if luck really had anything to do with it.

p.s. it could not be luck and im entirely wrong but meh.

That was really insightful man. This is a good read.

a good read gerki,

This is exactly what I want to hear right now, gj.
It was pretty ballsy to go to the top o this warehouse job and say YO I MAKE WEB ADVERTISEMENTS INCASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW. I never woulda done that.

Working alone allways sounds so sad to me though :/

I quite like working alone, i get to wear headphones and listen to whatever i like.

I agree with Egoraptor and Mindchamber; This is insightful. However, you might want to proofread it when you get the chance. I look forward to more of your original cartoons.

I was in a bit of a hurry :(

You could have shortened this to one sentence; Do what you love and the money will follow.

Actually I think I wanna add something to this, while I agree this is an excellent way to make some cash, I dont agree that adding ads to your flashes or making parodies is selling yourself short. whether you are working for a company, a userbase or an individual, you are still selling yourself, and one way to make money shouldn't be be considered less more more demeaning than the other. Besides its YOUR ads we have on our games that you find so appalling.

so in short this is what works for you, and we definitely appreciate you showing us what works for you. but in the in end doing what makes you happy AND what works for you is fine no matter what.

Im not saying that there is anything wrong with flash ads, its more that there seems to be allot of people that don't see the bigger picture and don't look at alternatives. Id put in ads myself if i thought my cartoons would become popular, just for added pocket money.

Your 'Telescope' heading is seriously hot.
Also you're right about being able to get flash work no matter where you live. I get all my jobs, and carry them out, from this rickety old computer in rural Tasmania. Which outside of the internet has as few uses for an animator as... urban Tasmania.

Work is where you find it, which in this age of the internet, should be everywhere.

No Nosebleed section?