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Age 38, Male

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Joined on 1/11/04

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Posted by Gerkinman - February 11th, 2009

Bait and Switch, how i love it :)

Im still unemployed, i had an interview the other day, didn't get the job, kinda sucked, especially since the interview seemed to go so well, im still applying for around 20 jobs a day, but i never get any calls or emails back. Maybe im too specialized, i did spend the last 4 years in the one job, so its like like retailers or sales people want to train me, not when they can get someone who already has the skills. I hate sitting around here, don't get me wrong, im putting all my free time into my cartoons, and im making alot of progress since im always here with no job cutting into my time, but i hate the fact i have so much time to think. I do alot of thinking and having this much free time is just, overwhelming me. Ive written and story-boarded 4 entire scripts, that i doubt ill ever get the chance to do, i just hate to waste ideas. I have far to many things i want to make and i know ill never get to because im only one man, and that frustrates me. And on the note of frustration i hate the fact i keep thinking back to the past, it seems like free time is almost the same as time traveling, for me at-least, and i cant stop second guessing decisions i made in the past, some of them from 5 years ago even. What would of happened if i kept living at my parents and working at the restaurant instead of moving out on my own to work in advertising?, what would of happened if i never broke up with Joanime?, and why the hell did i do it in the first place?, and why did i turn into such a massive asshole after i did it? Not a day has gone by since i did it that i haven't felt regret, and despite having been in numerous relationships both in the real world, even living with one, as well as online i cant help buy wonder why i felt closer to her then i ever did to anyone in my life, maybe it was just the fact i was a kid, maybe it was something else, i don't know. I hate looking back, and generally i try to only look forward and thats probably why i have so many ideas and scripts on paper, stuff for the future. Just gah, im over it, i need a job to occupy my mind and so i can stop worrying about being kicked onto the street.

In other news the second episode of Out There, titled "Nebula" is about half completed, keep in mind that i started it about 2 weeks before the first episode was released. Its a little more slower paced then the first episode, with the whole thing being pretty much exclusively on the platform before the rocket launchers, in comparison to the first episode which had bits and pieces from everywhere. I dont want to give too much away but what i can say is this is the last episode set on Astros home planet, after this its off into space.

Lastly, just because its in the title, im going to explain why Resident Evil 5 is racist...

"Because it has black people in it, you can shoot nazis, jews, spaniards, mexicans, Caucasians and whatever the fuck else you want to shoot, but if you shoot a black man, im sorry, your a racist. Infact the very notion of a black zombie is racist. These are the facts. Deal with them. >=C"
End sarcasm

You stay classy San Diego

PS: Go donate some money to the peeps that got fucked up in them Victorian fires, because the government are being tight asses. Link courtesy of Rubberninjas journal, just chucking it out there for anyone who missed it. There's quite a few NG folk from down there, one in particular i havent been able to track down. Hope she's okay.

Donations Please

PPS: Whats this? Some kind of non pixel cartoon? Could it be? I believe it is... =o



Isn't Resident Evil 5 being racist an issue of over 6 months ago?

Yeh, but since its so close to release the media has gone crazy.

resident evil 5 is fascist

Bait and Switch = comments related to your title from people who haven't read your post

Makes them all the more amusing? No?

they mock mexicans when they jump the wall

african zombies, rowr..

I read your post.

STOP HURTING THE GAME'S FEELINGS, or I will cut you up GOooooOD.


man that girl just dont FIT

How so? In the same sense as the humans don't mix with the muppets?

muppets are real derkanoob

also i dunno it could work really well or be really weird but i trust you to not fuck it up okay

Ill try my best, i mainly like using real girls because i like contrast between my ugly and werid male characters and... well, if the girls look weird too theres not much contrast, im not proficient enough at drawing attractive girls to really do it that way yet.

The traced girl doesn't look right there.

Also, kill whitey.

Traced girls never look right, but ill keep experimenting until i find a way to make it work.

You got any pot?

Not on me right now. :(

Ack, Rubberninja called that one out before I had the chance. It's not just that she's obviously much less cartoony. She's just so proportionate and without stylistic tweaks that she really stands out as having been heavily referenced from photograph.
A photograph I can't help but imagine came from DeviantArt, from the looks of it...

Shes a friend of mine actually, i was planning on getting her to do all the key poses for the film, from the storyboards and photograph her myself, before animating around her. I know it looks a little odd, but i dont know that its bad, i mean Ralph Bakshi often used characters of multiple styles on screen at once, and while odd it still worked, Drawn Together being another more recent example. The real question is does it look "bad" or does it just look "different" to what most people are used to.

well if it where racist u should piss on the zombies, shoot em even in death and not only that insulting them etc. that should be racist but it doesn´t contain something of that is like RE4 it wasn´t racist or it was, i ask u?

hahaha, yea, true, but what's even more stupid than that they say that it's racist because you shoot black people is that some idiot said wuen questioned "Yes, I actually feel more comfortable with all zombies being white people" What the fuck!? Talk about racist!

I hope you get a job!

Resident Evil 5 is not racist.....the parasites from four have moved to Afirca and it turns the skin tone of the infected darker.....yes they may be mostly Afican but Capcom is not racist it takes place in Afirca get your storys right.


We have had news like this before but iam half and half for resident evil 5 if its racist so really i dont give a shit lol!

you broke up with Joanime? When did that happen, and how can you tell a black zombie from a normal black person?

I know it's silly asking this question, because either way you'll shoot them.

Black people in Africa!? Holy shit, that it the most racist thing I have ever heard!

This racism nonsense is just ludicrous. Isn't this 'political correctness' supposed to give everyone EQUAL TREATMENT, not cause baseless accusations and over-reacting.

i dunno how to express this without sounding racist myself so i will try not too..
people in africa are usually dark tone, and shooting them because they have a massive virus that kills then reanimates the body is not the same as shooting them ecause they are back?
think i said what i wanted?
she stands out too much... maybe cuz of the colour scheme you used? but what can i say though, i can barely draw stickmen XD even with a ruler
i know what you mean, it sucks not having a job but you have to enjoy the time you have, just think when you get a job you won't have much left (depends on the job) i don't have much time myself, im a uni student with a job (which i will add doesn't pay well and the hours are STUPID!) and i have a lot of shit to do round my house (plastering rooms is difficult work)
fuck my life story!!!
you will find a job no worries, just kep searching and putting in the effort
also resi5 ain't racist
if anything its bacteriest!! (anti bacteria...bah i quit) i mean viruses are living things too? lol

Sometimes it's good to just not look back.

Also, nice pic and hope the 2nd Out There won't be too long.

Go Fuck Yourself, San Diego.

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