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The Legend Of Failvid

Posted by Gerkinman - November 18th, 2008

Seriously, how does something so poorly animated, so poorly voiced, so poorly written, so poorly directed... do so well? I have no idea, its zelda i suppose.

Now here we are, everyone getting ready for me to once again bring up the parody debate, but everyone can return there pitchforks, for that is not the basis for this post. Indeed, this is dedicated, exclusively to Zelda parodies, a question that has been plagging my mind since 2004. Why do people make parodies and fan movies, almost EXCLUSIVELY of Ocarina of Time? The game is 10 years old, there have been about 7 Zelda games since then, most of them (3d games atleast) are BETTER then OoT, but here we are, 10 years later, still being barraged by parodies of this same game. As stated earlier, this isnt about parody debate, this is just me saying, can we please, at the very least, have some diversity? There is more then one zelda game you know guys? Hello? Are you listning? I guess not.

Heres a picture of a swamp, from the new Nimbin i have in the works. Id be lieing if i said it wasnt inspired by the swamps of Termina.

The Legend Of Failvid


You really should find something else to do.. I mean, ranting about parodies was great and all but it's getting old.. (:

Its more about the lack of diversity in parodies, i dont really care about there existance anymore, after Utah reminded me with Cogs, that when done properly, they can be very amusing.

actually i recall david doing the movie back in 04, so your point fail ed son.
also err dunno.
and at least he didnt do a sprite movie, thank god. (No offence if you did 2)
also he quite does funny cartoons, because instaed of link, or zelda, its a 35 yrs old angry man with arms

I was going to say, it looks like it was made in 04, when that sort of stuff was the norm.

Ocarina of Time is considered one of the best games of all time. All Zelda games since then are better looking, and I personally like WindWaker better; however, Ocarina of Time is always fun. I don't know why. As for the Legend of David, I'm not sure why it's so well-recieved, as it's certainly not the best series I've seen. Although it is funny.

It is indeed a great game, but i think the follow ups refined it to the point that it feels rather archaic to play now.

Some people can't draw amazingly. He did the best he could and the flash oozes of effort. What's the problem?

Pull the other gerkhin...


Clever girl.

I think the reason that OoT is used a lot is because its the first seemingly "Perfect" (In an opinionated sense) one to come out.

A few more of them came out that were great, and I will agree that some may be better, but its like looking at any series. Mario has some great,New, games, but the only parodies you see of it are from the NES/SNES. After the first great one... the rest just kind of follow suit and get less attention for the greatness that they have.

People want to show off what everyone knows and loves. Have nice safety zone in which they don't have to explain everything like they would have to do if they made an original idea.

What I really want to know is how Nintendo makes the same game with the same story over and over again and still stays in business... I've saved a princess about 30 times now... (if not more)

BUT... after all this random bursts of little words; I've lost interest in what I'm talking about.

Nice Picture :D

Galaxy was so great, im suprised nobody busted out some parodies making fun of the games gravity puzzles. I guess im giving parody folk to much credit.

Lol, I'd have called it The Legend of Worstvid

Happy Birthday Ocarina of time, hope you're not suicidal after 10 years of being continuously molested

Indeed, i knew him well.

I liked the Legend of David. Sure the animation was not amazing, but it had a great story that mixed seriousness with humor.

Really? I didnt notice anything funny or serious, just a mish mash of all kinds of stuff with nothign tieing them together.

I did a parody of the Zelda CD-i games two days ago, do I get a high five for diversity?

No, you get tea bagged for meme usage :P

it's not as if the movie is intentionally sloppily animated. in fact, it's not even animated very badly at all. he's no Adam Philips, but it's pretty good and i found it to be more of a vaguely silly tribute rather than a parody.

i'm all for more original movies, but your constant whining isn't going to do anything other than make people create more just to spite you.

I thought the character models were pretty ugly, especially later on when they were combinations of line drawings and fill drawings. I dont think id call it a parody either, id call it more of a... very bad retelling of the original story with an twist that wasnt needed.

I just killed a man.

Oh wait Zelda parodies are more topical.

Why is it that people who are critical are not allowed to have opinions, but people who are critical of critical people are?

Anyway, I couldn't even finish the first part of Legend of David. Just looking at it made me feel physically ill. Pain Olympics is a more settling video.

I'm all for parodies, and satire and just being silly and having fun, but you can't honestly expect me to like something just because there is "effort" in it. When I'm constipated and need to take a shit I put a load of effort into pushing my poop out, but I sure as hell don't appreciate it. The fact is, things have got to be about the end result, and sadly most parodies just don't give a fuck.

Enough of that talk. Every time someone mentions parodies, the conflict just gets worse. This banter is totally counterproductive. I'm a big gay cumpig.

Filling my posts with logic, shame on you >=C

Well this response is written without consideration of any others posted before me (Don't feel like reading them)

First. I believe that the reason why there are so many OoT parodies is because the general age group of newgrounds tends to be around the 16 year old teen... With that in mind when OoT came out everyone then was in the "young" game experience time... So therefore everything they played and watched is ingrained into their head to the point where everything that comes out these days is "just not as good". LIke star wars for example, as far as quality goes they are next to shit compared to these days. But in their time they were amazing... So everyone who watched those star wars as kids will always prefer those over the new ones just on the fact that the old ones are what the person views as perfect from childhood experiences. (whether it may or not be). It's the same exact case with OoT...

As for Legend of David... Keep in mind that the first two episodes came out years ago... and the third one still has some age on it... The ones he just released were slight remakes where he fixed some obvious issues. (artwork or animation). But he did not change the originals really at all. (hence the bad quality).... If you're going to insult his animation go watch David's adventures eps 1 and then LoD 4 and see how far the guy has come in his animation skills.

Now what I think makes it so popular is just within the premise of the story... The basic story is an average joe "david" being put into the position of that of a hero... We see how an average person off of the street would deal with the conflicts of a "destined hero"... The only twist mark put into it was that he threw david into links situation from OoT (It can help draw relations with most since it is a very well known story). What makes this so apparent are lines such as "Well even though i'm not the hero, I'm not going to just sit around and do nothing". If you put david's goofy voice asside that quote has huge depth to it...

So what I believe makes LoD a hit with the community is that people are really able to relate with the character and that the fact OoT is viewed as an amazing game it's a win/win situation. The fact that mark's animation might be slightly under par is no true hinderance since poeple are enveloped into the story.

That's about all I have to say.

I forgot that the average joe was a martial arts super star. Pardon me.

Ocarina of Time is most popular, easiest to parody. I agree, I personally am opposed to all the Mario, Zelda etc. parodies. If your gonna make something old and cliched, make it original. I think thats why Legend of Miyamoto did so well.

Yeh, i quite liked that cartoon.

Ocarina of Time is most popular, easiest to parody. I agree, I personally am opposed to all the Mario, Zelda etc. parodies. If your gonna make something old and cliched, make it original. I think thats why Legend of Miyamoto did so well.

I wish somoene would lick my ocarina sometime.

Your joke is full of holes Luis.


I thought you "left", maybe you right.

Nah, im not leaving newgrounds, just moving home :P

Majora's Mask > any other Zelda game.

Agree 110%

Many agree that OOT is the best Zelda game there is, not me personally.

Many are wrong =B

leting the videogame parody debate aside, I have noticed this favoritism towards oot.

I joined a small zelda collab a few months ago. Believe me it is quite diverse, instead of repeating the same game 10 times the organizer decided to organize the things. There is a full list of all zelda games and each game has around 2 parts at the maximum, so even if your ocarina part is awesome, if there are other 2, you cant get it in. see?

Good luck. Nice image by the way. and yes I do believe some crappy parodies just get good scores because of videogames.

see you at camp north

Im intrigued to see what was done with the other games.

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