@I-smel - The fear of switching to a "submit and done" model is that it would majorly alienate the remaining people in the community who keep the judgment system working. And a lot of those guys also give submissions initial feedback that they may not have gotten. It's a shrinking population of people but they are awesome people who love the site and have kept it moving for the 13 years since the automated Portal launched. There could be plenty more roles to fill, though - we could still have a discovery engine that rewards early voting and reviews, it just can do it without being part of an official "live or die while waiting in the shadows" process.
Of course part of the intent of making under judgment content wait in the shadows is that too many peoples' opinions of NG have been shaped by viewing the "Latest Submissions" in previous layouts... They click on a bunch of shitty movies, and walk away with the opinion that NG is a site full of shitty movies. In an attempt to put a bigger spotlight on the better content, the potentially shitty new content has gotten further out of reach.
Watching shitty content can be fun though. There's stuff we talk about to make it a more social experience, although a lot of that comes in the form of streaming video feeds in chat situations, so you need to get those people to be able to watch a streaming feed but also vote and comment on the submissions indirectly because they are just hanging out in a chat room watching one long stream. All stuff we can potentially tackle with some of the social stuff we're building, but maybe it's all completely wrong.
The new split between "My facebook friends" and "a bunch of users" is actually a huge point that I didn't think about.
Deviantart basically doesn't have voting or ratings or anything, even though they do sort by popularity and let users write comments. The scary lack of discoverability might totally be negated by everyone already being a part of a dozen social circles anyway... So switching to the "submit and done" style might end up working out.
Obviously there's a million more things to think about before actually deciding on that, or making a move on it, so fuck.
There are so many ways things could go, and I think that if the redesign proves anything its that while you might intent for something to happen it could also go the complete opposite direction.