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Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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I am not qualified to respond to such a great rant. <3

It wasnt so much a rant as a bunch of questions, but sure, okay lol.

Well that is not very nice at all, it's claws aren't even tied up! The Chef might get clawed to death! D:

Why all the intro material just to lead up to asking hypothetical Egoraptor questions? Honestly, he's just generally a really funny passionate guy who happens to really love video games. The video game stuff might very well have something to do with the degree of his internet influence, but I'd say given his abilities, wittiness and personality, he's predisposed to being successful as an entertainer. I genuinely mean that and I don't come to Newgrounds to suck anyone's dick. If I wanted that I'd go to the Dickporium on South Street.

I only used Egoraptor because hes obviously the most popular and influential parody guy on the site.

Daveb0t Needs To hop off Tamamoto's cock.

PS Good thoughts, not really anything to add you said everything and explained it well.

Damn that TamaMoto.

Who ever he is.

Er, I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

You say Swain is more of a film-maker than an animator, but he happens to be one of the best animators on newgrounds. You say animators want to work at Cartoon Network, which would be the most god awful boring places to animate ever (you have see the cartoons they make, right?).

As far as Egoraptor goes, the animation he's been putting out lately is superb, and he is incredibly good at comedic timing. I've never even heard of most of the games he parodies and I still think they're funny. I think he deserves all the praise he gets. I think he could make anything funny.

Im not saying Swain isnt a good animator, he has gotten quite fantastic over the years, as has David Firth as you can see in Crooked Rot. But there animation aids the storytelling.

I use animations as a means, quiet honestly, sure there are times that I get caught up in the look or feel of an animation, but in the long run, I really don't care as long as I get my point across. As long as the animation, film, or any other medium succeeds in delivering its message, then its a job well done.

In regards to Ego, I think some people are just able to find the humor in 'mundane' things... I find that Louis Black does that often, he'll present these very mundane relateable frusterations and he'll just deliver it in a humorous manner. Ego obviously is around video games quite a bit and it seems natural you become delirious and it spills on to your work.

Im not really big on video game parodies, nor am i fond that hes just redoing things and resubmitting em but i think that the whole awesome series is just a person expressing themselves. *shrug*

I just make stuff.

Now that was an interesting argument, or as you said, bunch of questions.

the only "intelligent" answer that I can come up with is that animation can be called art which, as same as all the other forms of art, is subjective.

So the question of "what is it to be a good animator?" May never be answered :/ Since there is no real objective answer.


wall of text

Please, don't ever categorize anything. Ever.



Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Infraorder: Astacidea
Family: Nephropidae


I'd like to see myself as a little of both. A lot of my story ideas are specifically thought of to be in an animation format. That's because I want to be a good one so badly.

I'd actually like to see "AWESOME tire changing" and "AWESOME grocery shopping", just to see how they'd turn out. But rather then have some guy spam an AWESOME parody while the rest of the world tries to convince him he's not Egorapter, they could be made easter eggs to quality animations or something. But why am I saying this?

For some reason I don't react to that baby at all.

Something is up, your last two news posts haven't ended in a picture you drew!

This freelance job is keeping me super occupied. :(


...at the very least i expect ascii art.

an animator is someone who makes animations that can play with our emotions

I reckon it's obvious you're in the latter category because of the (perhaps unknowing) negative bias towards the first group. Saying they're happy working for the man as a point of difference seems to me like that the other group, of "film-makers", isn't, and that credits their artistic expression over the first group which I think is a bit unfair.

I'd sooner say that animators can be broken into the two groups:

1. People who try to tell stories using animation.

2. People who try to use animation to tell stories.

Basically where one puts the emphasis: if you're relying on writing to tell the story then I'd say you're the first type, whereas the second type you could rely on the weight of a character to express his emotion or whatever I have no idea honestly

I wouldn't call that a rant. It was actually a pretty interesting read.

The best animations on this site--and best kinds of movies anyhwere--are movies where the story comes before the animation. Substance is what makes a movie. If a Flash isn't entertaining or engaging in some form or fashion, even if it has brilliant animation, why bother watching it?

Then of course there are movies with substance and great graphics, like Blockhead, Salad Fingers, littleFoot, or Castle III.

Graphics seem important to a majority of viewers for any movie. A lot of people love Egoraptor's movies for their funny game reference jokes and sometimes genius lines. Others hate Egoraptor because his movies have 'bad animation' and most likely haven't actually sat through two full Awesome cartoons. Unless a movie is simply straight-up hideous, I don't see why that would happen.

A lot of people hate sprite movies for the same reason. Sprite movies may mostly be images from games, but sprite animators put plenty of effort into editing sprites and making them do things that couldn't be done before. It does take less effort than most forms of animation, but it shouldn't matter as long as there are people out there that look past the graphics and critique/praise only what they see in the plot.

...Awesome Grocery Shopping ftw. XD

The first bits of that about Animators and Film Makers are good enough points, but yeah the rest of it felt...unecassary? If what you say at the beginning is true, then the "success" is irrelevant to those who continue to work. That's why I don't understand why people get so worked up over how many views something gets, especially considering it never has anything to do with the person in question. People should just make whatever the hell they feel like, that's what NG is for.

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