Driven, if nothing else.

Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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With a few exceptions, pretty much all the popular animators have gotten noticed because of a parody or collab held by a guy who got popular from parodies.

Success is all down to the strange nature of humans. You make something just for the hell of it, and on the offchance it gets popular, you feel enticed to make more animations around the same kind of theme to appeal to that newfound audience. Not forgetting when people pay you to continue making them. Weebl didn't expect Badgers to take off like it did, and did follows ups for the fans of those. Heck even guys like Rubberninja who swore off making parodies got right back into them when Gamer Tonight got commissioned for TV.
It's all about holding interest. Cos even the most fantastically animated music video with a well written story is gonna get ignored by me if it fails to drag me along.

I've been thinking about all this alot lately. I know that may sound hypocritical but I think that post I made long ago is ridiculous myself. I cant believe i said that shit. I'm aiming for higher shit from now on. Harry has set me a good example. keep on rockin' dude. :D

haguhaguhuhagrargerrrrrrag fucking worthless

Honestly, i believe storytelling is always the key. always your starting point. Why would you animate if you have nothing to say? A parody like the Awesome series or a serious short like Wasilewski makes them..its all story right?

I think every animator has to be a decent storyteller. You can have nice animation but you need to back that up with a story. How lame the story might be. My two cents

I cant think of a worse thing to happen to this site than ego raptor

At least Foamy and Legendary frog didnt influence other people to make equally shitty flashes.

I pointed out the same almost a year ago. would egoraptor have succeeded as much as he has had he done "awesome walmart" or any shit taht could come up?
and lets not mention the horrible brawl taunts, wich was "acclaimed by the critic" and dome by the "animator" kirbopher15 who couldnt do a fbf lipsinch even if his life depended on it.

tell you what, do you know ukinojoe? of course you do, I think he is awesome because he stopped making movies... why?? Because he knew that people were gonna love them even if they were crap. He was awesome at the beginning, but I cant imagine how bad would he had got had he continued making parodies of movies with funny voices.

I myself am part of this "crime" I used to make sprite animations, right in the moment Im not, and now im making a small parody of zelda for a collab, but obviously I will get over it and improve because I have come to learn that you Do get more audience with videogame related material.

really guys.

p.s. I missed something up. ego truly KICKS ASS when it comes to fbf. I tried to make one recently and failed at it.

I think he is Very good, yet very overrated, I just wish he could reinvent himself instead of making the same shit over and over and over. but hey tahts just me

This is FUN.
Parodies are OK, but the creators should know when to stop and whether they want to keep doing the same shit or moving on to bigger and better ideas. Or at least moving between new ideas and old stuff remade. wouldnt it be boring if we kept getting, say, Kill Britney Spears games, with the same umm, shoot the face concept or whatever (bad example)... its about keeping things a bit balanced.

Wow that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. "he is awesome because he stopped making movies because he knew people would love them."

So it's AWESOME to let the audience get the best of you and manipulate your decisions, even if it includes no more creative expression? WHAT A BADASS.

lol @Emanhattan who contradicts every post hes made here with every submission hes been involved in. way to go!

If it is about sprite tv 3 I agree it was utter shit

its all your videogame parody garbage

People of who live in glass house , B.

whats a glass house?

This kinda goes back to the brilliance of Metal Gear Funnies. It's actually helped me get my head straight to start makin' actually good stuff. Flash is a tool, and animation is a form of art. The questions meld down to one, "Which are you focusing on?"

its its aaaaaall about becoming a better artist and and having fuuuuuun at the same tiiiime.

why do think that because an animator they know becomes famous, that they think their work is just for the fans and that they have sold out?

maybe animators just... like animating.

stop bashing emanhattan darnit!!!

ok lets have a vote, whos the worst "ex-spriter", emanhattan, blordow, daniel-sun or glassbomb

i vote for MrShow

Wow, people are talking about me.

I didn't stop making movies altogether, just the dumb derivative uninspired parody movies that are a dime a dozen here on Newgrounds anyway. I had fun making them but now whenever I try to it just seems like a chore.

Sure they make people laugh and they get me fucktons of views, but why would I want to keep on doing the same thing over and over?

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