Driven, if nothing else.

Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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I also enjoy sexual lobster. He's a hero of mine.
Cowboys are good too.

I love em both.

Yay go Australians!

So, SO true!

I believe ShirtTurtle is Australian and he is very good.

Ah yes, how could i forget Shirt Turtle.

go australians! fuck australia

makes perfect sense

G' Day mate!

Howdy Guv'ner

what about jazza? hard to miss a guy that talented

a mate of mine went to his high school

Ah yes, and Jazza. He is indeed talented, cant say im personally a fan, or atleast, of the composer.

lets split up gang

Split like the shell of a shrimp on the barbie.

<a href="http://supadave-3.deviantart.com/">http://supadave-3.deviantart.com/</a>

This guy is amazing.

There is some cool things in there in amoungst all the furry shit Indeed.

That video you made is like crack... addictive.

Ive found that myself.

no way!!!

Yeah those guys are pretty awesome, thanks cos I didnt know about them.

I think it's the UK/English who have the most talent with humour and story though ;)

Who you got beside Firth and Weebl? :P

You Australians have got nothing on Flight of the Conchords.

nobody does.

I'm glad you didn't use a declarative in the title.
Australia SEEMS to be full of smart talented people but YOU fuck up the grading curve.

What can i say, its my one true talent.

I live in Australia, does make me awesome at animation too?

I guess it does by default.

That's really cool to hear! I'm glad you like my stuff, even if I don't think it's anywhere near as accomplished or deserved as Sexual Lobster.

Also it's really rare to find someone willing to give a compliment like that to another person without any irony, especially with how easy it is to take potshots. That's definitely something to applaud, good on ya.

I really like your writing, its alot more intelligent then pretty much everything else i end up watching here.

What about TheBoogley?

Oh, and Evan-Vangar. He's talented.

I often think of Australia and America as the bright and talented children of Europe. European nations are the ignorant bitter old parents and relatives all gathered up in some cold retirement home complaining to each other about how stupid and irresponsible their children are. Meanwhile, their children entertain them, support them, and protect them.

Australia is great. Aside from the United States, Australia is probably the largest producer of quality media in the world. Some extremely talented fellows have come from down under.

I thought America only spat out shitty sitcoms =o

I miss steve. seriously. i used to eat dinner to him.

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