9 years ago I submitted my first flash movie to newgrounds. The movie had been floating around the internet for a year before making its way on newgrounds (Hence this year being Gerkinmans 10 year anniversary) but when it did my life changed forever. I found myself with a demand for more cartoons, a demand that dissipated over the years. While most people would find people loosing interest in there animations discouraging (as I did myself for a number of years), in the end I found it allowed me to make more personal films without having to worry so much about what other people thought.
Once upon a time I hated the fact people were getting popular for making parodies while I lost popularity for pursuing my own ideas, and one could argue it could be easier to feel that way now that people are making money out of other peoples properties. BUT I dont. In fact I dont think I would change a thing. I dont think I would be happy making a living out of characters I didn't create myself, but thats just my mentality.
So what better way to celebrate 10 years of mediocre receptions to my films online then by making a film celebrating Gerkinmans 10 year anniversary? Theres none I tells ya! None.
:] .