Driven, if nothing else.

Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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Electric Blue

Posted by Gerkinman - September 10th, 2011

Well, its a day later then it was supposed to be, but a late update is better then no blog update.

So as I sit here listening to "Icehouse - White Heat", let me tell you all about the goings on in the wide and exciting world of my animation.

I suppose the first thing I should talk about should be the Nimbin Pilot, which now im looking at it isn't so much a pilot as it is a reintroduction to the series set an undisclosed amount of time after episode 5 of the original series. But I think for the series after this short, I want to start all over again, telling Gerkinman's origin story and then having that lead into the main Nimbin series. The reasoning behind this was that I had originally written Gerkinman's origin story for use in a graphic novel (How to Pickle a Gherkin), but looking at it now I think it would be better suited to animation, mainly because it can be read in its entirety in less then 10 minutes, but also because animation is so much more dynamic. Its not as short as what I had originally planned for the series to be, but I think if im going to be trying to sell the series to TV networks, or at the very least pitching it, the story I had previously written would be better suited. Anyways, You can find a final rendering from the first scene below.

I also uploaded my last major film The Telescope with commentary! Because im exciting like that, listen to me and Mark Schnieder from Toonwerks give you the least informative behind the scenes ever!

I have also started work on this months Loop De Loop, with the theme "Down the Rabbit Hole". The animations will be getting screened as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. So thats exciting.

I also managed to watched the entirety of the series Adventure Time in just over a week. Its the first time I have really sat down to watch a series in great length since last years season of Dr Who. I remember seeing the pilot for adventure time back in 2008 and being excited at the prospect of it being developed into a full fledged series, but aside from the odd episode here and there I had not really had the chance to watch it at length. Ive got to say I was very impressed by it, I think there was only one episode in the whole series to date that I didn't find entertaining. It was refreshing seeing something that really captures the essence of being a kid but isn't afraid of dark themes, or flat out disturbing imagery (Like seeing a bird turned inside out and hopping hopelessly as it tries to fly). Im looking forward to seeing more of it as it comes out.

And really, thats about all this week. Maybe next week when my Loop is finished I will have something more substantial to talk about.

So heres some junk!

This one has been around for a while. Wish there was some way to use it legally at the start of a film.

This is one of my favorite tracks from the original Star Wars trilogy. Now for some reason it was never archived and this is supposably the best sounding version of the track still around. It cant be found on any of the soundtracks or anything ever released. A damn shame. Can someone remake this track from scratch please? I would be eternally grateful <3

A must love for any Pokemon fan.

I dont know what this is exactly but its catchy as all fuck.

Lastly is something a little less ridiculous. Some time lapse photography from Brisbane Australia. An event called Riverfire. I actually lived just down the road from this even for 2 years, but seeing as I moved interstate at the beginning of this year I obviously couldn't attend this one.



The only kind of erotica in my books!

Ee!? Sugoi, desu ne!

Which part? =o

go away you ugly bitch