Well its Friday, and that means im going to update my blog, as id like to update it at least once a week and Friday is a good day.
So this week, first week with internet in a while, what did I do. I have set up a Vimeo account finally, you can check it out here!
I also updated my website, redoing the animation page and also adding a page for the Nimbin character models to the Graphic Art section.
Speaking of Nimbin, look down below, its coming along. There will only be a few more shots after this that will be rendered in this style, and then it switches to new character models that will be animated with dreaded tweening. Its a bitter sweet parting, but one that needs to happen for the sake of ever getting this pilot, neigh, series! completed.
As far as personal life goes, I still havent found work, but I have found out that through one of the recruitment agencies i get work through, they will pay for me to do a 2 week course through Lynda.com. I am currently talking to them about doing the course in After Effects, as I would like to get out of web and more into the film - television line of work.
I am also currently looking at going to university to study film and television, although choosing a university is tough as they all offer different things.
And thats about all for now, lets see what next week brings.
Here, have some spam.
This last one isn't really spam, but ive been playing Deus Ex a lot lately, and this one you can try at home.
Ali Oop!
Aw damn it double posted one of the videos...