Driven, if nothing else.

Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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Im Animating Salad Fingers 10

Posted by Gerkinman - April 9th, 2011

Its been another big and productive week. I couldn't tell you how many banner ads I churned out this week, but I can tell you it wasn't a small number. Even outside of work I have had a rather large week creative wise.

First up here is a vector piece. I did the original drawing probably around 6 months ago while I was still in Brisbane, during a lunch break. Only now have I got the time to vector it, with most of the line art done during my lunch break at work. Managed to finish it this morning because thats what weekends are for.

Also during my lunch breaks this week I finished this little piece.

I also manage to finish the single longest scene in The Telescope this week, now that its finished Im hoping the rest of the film flies by, since few scenes are longer then 3 seconds.

I also managed to finally throw up a header and change my icon and profile pic. Feels good man.

Sooooo.... I guess ill just leave you with this. Enjoy


Always feels good to get shit done.. then celebrate with some fed up vids... I laughed at the body-builders tho.

You heard anything of Joanime in the last decade?

Hey Ritchie, long time, hows that scamp John doing?

Joanime, not so much, I acted like a complete dick because I was so torn up about things after we broke up, and really... im probably the reason she has vanished. I dont regret many things in life, but I regret the way things ended between me and her more then anything, even after all these years. She deserved a lot better.

Nice drawing man, also I knew that you`r not animating SF :) Good dayoutside man, go and explore the world. YEA

The outdoors have been great the last few days, weather has been perfect, suns been warm. Now its poring rain, alas, all good things must come to an end.

Gerkinman is looking like one steazy motherfucker in your new profile pic.

Thats what the city does to a man.

Need to get you round again soon.

Holy shit that Chinese guy is sexy.

Yeah, I came several times.

That second video is what 90% of the shit in the portal is going to look like when Tom adds video uploads ._.

Cant wait ha ha

I found that after posting the Spongebob one, and then I laughed, because its gold.