So i went 3 months without getting a single job interview, over 450 job applications and no call backs. Then last week i got 2 interviews, both from marketing funnily enough. so i spent 1 day in at this first job, for an interview and the such, i still had no idea what the job actually was, not only that but it was 2 hours in public transit away. So anyways, i make it threw round 01 and they call me up to tell me i got the job, naturally im pretty stoked since i haven't had any income in 3 months and the banks getting a little dry.So then i go in for my evaluation day 2 days later and i finally find out what the job is, its basically walking around, from shop to shop offering deals on shit people don't need, salesman type stuff. This in itself wouldn't be so bad, but when your walking around in the sweltering heat for 9 hours and you don't make a single sale, it means you just got hella sunburnt for with no payment, because thats right, its entirely commission based. Now to be fair, i did enjoy the walking around aspect and the sun didn't bother me that much aside from the burning, in fact you could say i enjoyed the work, the only parts i didn't like were the fact its entirely commissions based, and the fact it was a 2 hour train ride away. So then i just quickly browse a job networking site on saturday and do my usual resume dumping, thinking nothing off it since nobody ever calls back, but then, low and behold, i get a phone call, and an interview, that very same day. So now im working only 10 minutes away in a vacuum business organizing times for people to go around showing customers these spiffy vacuums. The cool part is it has a base salary with commissions on top... but, better yet, its only 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. It easily covers my rent and with money left over to spend, but best of all, i have all morning to work on my cartoons. Totally stoked. I start the job today. So after a week of not touching out there because of stress and work, i can finally get back into it, woo.
On a side note, i released a new short toon last weekend for Valentines day, i was feeling kind of sad and lonely, as i often do on that god forsaken day of couples rubbing there asses in single peoples faces, so i went and made a bit more of a realistic depiction of the day. People tend to focus on the love and the chocolates, but never the fact that a large number of people dont have someone to waste expensive chocolates on. It was also the welcoming back of Reginald the Magic Triangle, who has seen the light of day since 2007.
In other news...heres a picture that was a girl commissioned me to do. As much as people tell me these sort of vectors are shallow and lame, i enjoy doing them, finding them really relaxing actually. So yeh... it shouldn't matter aslong as i enjoy what im doing, and the commissioner likes it as well. That of course makes me a hypocrite for giving people shit about making crap like LEFT4LOL and LEFT4SPEED, we get it, its a great game, doesn't mean you have to go out there and make shitty parodies that have little to nothing to do with the game outside of the characters and zombies. But anyway, this is no time to be starting flame wars, pumped up for that shit.
I have many leather bound books and my house smells of rich mahogany.
Have fun making appointments for people to look at vacuums!!
Money is money.