Im going to keep this short and sweet, since there is no reason to write a massively long journal when i cant even check the comments to reply, so ill save my big journal for next week
when i should hopefully have the internet set up. Im merely putting up this journal to let everyone know that when my internet is set up next Monday (god forbid the internet actually gets
connected this time) ill be releasing my first submission of 2009 (Yes, its actually finished, im not just talking shit as i often do), my first pixel film "OT01: Out There".
More on that when it comes out. Who knows, in the next week i might even get a short done, its amazing just how much more productive you can be when you dont have the internet to distract you.
In other news i didnt get the delivery job, but have since found another source of income so its not that bigger deal, and i possibly have some other exciting things coming up in the future.
And finally, Zekey, if your reading this, you better have been working on Like A Brother in my absence, if you havent been ill have to fly over there and give you a ye ol spanking, got to get
that shit 100% completed this Febuary :P
So uh, thats it, hows everyone doing?
Awesome. Looks totally tubular. Dude. Like.Yeah.