Driven, if nothing else.

Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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There comes a time in every mans life

Posted by Gerkinman - November 30th, 2008

Indeed there does, a time when you have to go out there and try something new and different, and that time is upon me. What is that time? Well the time to try something new ofcourse. Ive been keeping quite on this project for many months, i wanted to make sure it was of a high enough quality and completed to the point of no return before i announced it. Up until now, every submission i have ever made has been a movie, theres no games in my library, but all that is about to change. Im finally working on my first game, and its based on a property ive been mentioning on and off for over 2 years now. Those that frequent this journal may be familiar with a project ive had called Randy Rocket Snail. Originally it was going to be a flash game, then a movie, then it was going to be a comic, and then about 18 months ago i decided it was going to be a flash game again, an episodic game at that. Each episode consisting of one stage, and an opening and closing cutscene to tie things up. Im aiming for 7 episodes, the first of which will be hitting around late January, and hopefully, ill follow with one episode a month following until the series is finished. My highest priority is still the music video im working on with Zekey. Followed by all my unfinished cartoons from this year. But thats not what this journal is about, its all about welcoming back Randy...so welcome back Randy >=C

Also i miss having the internet at home :(


There comes a time in every mans life


Also, i forgot to mention in there, this game will not be sponsored or ad supported, its a labor of love and im not interested in seeing tacky ads and crap plastered all over it. You sponsors can keep your dirty, aestheticly unappealing money.

Nice screeny. A Game Series? This sounds cool

With plans for a follow up series if this does well =o

Looks very promising. I would say make each episode/level not too brief, but other than that I wish best of luck on your venture into game making.

Once you get good at the game you can probably fly threw it in just under 2 minutes, but before you get used to the enemy patterns and the like the game is alot more challenging and can take a whole lot longer.

Looks good man, if you want any betatesters keep me in mind.

Will do ;D

Once i get the net again -_-

is tyranitar your favorite pokemon

Yeh, pretty much.

There comes a time in every mans life...

When you grow hair on your sack.

I always thought that was more of a teen thing, tho that could just be me.

I... cANT wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well im sorry but you will have too :P

Game looks good, can't wait.

Glad to hear it.

"Also, i forgot to mention in there, this game will not be sponsored or ad supported, its a labor of love and im not interested in seeing tacky ads and crap plastered all over it. You sponsors can keep your dirty, aestheticly unappealing money."


I seriously hate seeing those poorly constructed ads plastered all over everything.

Glad you're having fun!
I might play this game when you're done with it.

I might too, who knows.



The mind, it implodes.

Isn't this pretty much "Shoot" from Kongregate but with different Graphics? A lot of the contest entries were like that on there...

It started off that way, but ive made some modifications to it to try to freshen it up a bit.

You programming this beast too?

Its a modified version of the Shootorial engine by Kongregate.

chocolate raaaaaaaain,some stay dry and others feel the paaaain...

Fantastic, i assume we can expect the flash game equivelent of godlike sex.....with an australian (don't think about that statement i clearly didnt)

anyways good luck and hope to see it soon :)

I dunno if id say that exactly...

Good call on not getting money from it. There must be a place for independent art. :)

I love the backgrounds in all the cartoons and artyou make : D

also why dont you want to use flash ads n shit? I can more less see why you dont want to use them but I wonder...

why dont you want to get a little retribuition for something you commited yourself to do? I was asking this tio myself and It all leads to the conclussion it takes away the truly" artistic " stuff out of it.

If i win some prize money ill happily take it, but theres something about plastering ads for things im not interested in or relate to what im doing that i just dont like. I make ads for a living, if i want to put an ad in my flash, itll be an ad for my online store or something liek that.

I see. well.

if you want to see it from another point of view those ads are ugly too

I wanted to put one in one of the flashes Im making and I sort of feel it ruins the atmosphere of it.