Because im going home to work on some freelance work. Yes indeed, ive had a rather large well paying animation job come in, why you ask? I dont know, i dont think im particularly worthy for such a thing, this thing being a music video that will be used in international marketing, i guess it just helps to know the right people. As i said, i dont think im particularly worthy, but ive asked a certain someone for help and im sure together we can make something special. Why am i telling you this? Because this is a news blog, and i consider it news. And ill no doubt be giving out progress updates over time.
What does it mean for my other projects is the real question. Ive already sworn to 2 collabs, one being quite a large task in itself. Along with that there were all my own shorts. I dont know what will happen, i guess ill just have to do a little bit here and there to get things done. Ontop of that i have some other people wanting some shorts done for their band, its all crazy. Hopefully at the very least ill be able to make some new Asparagus shorts, they are alot of fun and dont take a long time to put together, but we will see.
Also for those that missed it, heres a little something i released on Clockday, nothing special, just bits and pieces of Metal Gear related goodies, and by goodies i mean shit, because Metal Gear is a self indulgent load of shit, no offense to the fans.
And lastly, heres a picture of Skeletor i drawed all by my little old self. I did the front hand first, looking back at it i wished i did it the same way as i did his left hand... :(
Goodbye and good riddance
You have bad sonic fanart as your display pic :)