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Age 38, Male

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Egoraptors big hairy ballsack!

Posted by Gerkinman - July 29th, 2008

Oh ho!

Bait and Switched again!

Anyways, time for some news, as i sometimes like to tell people about whats going on in my life rather then focusing on the negatives surrounding the flash "community". So what is this news i speak of?

Well first of all, Break on Through, my second "real" solo effort for this year has been released, and relatively well received. I dont know whether to thank The Doors for its success or the Newgrounds community. Ill let you people make up your own minds. For those who havent seen the cartoon yet, you can find it here.

Break On Through

And while keeping on that topic, last week i uploaded the second episode of my Ultimate Asparagus series to Newgrounds in its original format for the first time. It didnt do as well as i was hoping, but what can you do. I kind of like prefer the animation (if you can call it that) over live action style rather then the darker grittier style i used in "Episode 3: Whats that Sound" So any future Asparagus cartoons will be done the live action way, its just too much fun. For those that missed it the cartoon can be found here.

Oh Noez Land Shark

As for future projects, my next cartoon is pretty much finished, im just waiting on lines from Rina Chan, and if she cant get them to me for whatever reason i think i might ask SqueakyToad to take her place...as herself. So that should be fun and/or confusing. Look out for "Behind The Flash"... sometime in the future.

Also on the way, now Break On Through is done, is Hush. It will be my main focus. I have spoke about this flash a few times before, its essentially just a look at my day to day life, displayed in a cartoony and metaphorical way. For example my boss obviously isnt a robot in real life, but his in this.

And lastly, i have a short film storyboarded id like to have done in time for a local film festival. Its called John the Fisherman (after the Primus song, tho the song doesnt feature in the cartoon anywhere). Its just about an old man that goes fishing in the same spot everyday like clockwork, but never catches anything. It will be made the same way as the second Asparagus cartoon, with live action backgrounds. Ive decided to go with this format to keep the film feeling local and gritty, so hopefully that will come out nicely aswell.

On a completely unrelated note to flash, my pet rabbit was stolen from me this weekend. So that kind of sucks. And uhhh... thats all for now. See you again same time next week.

Heres a Frenchman i drew. :)

Egoraptors big hairy ballsack!




I can see your butt in that picture

Hawt isnt it ;D

frenchie is skinny



I liked your break on trough video. it was cool

aww your rabit : (

A stolen rabbit?

It was obviously some crazed, drug addicted magician trying to pull his final trick before he OD'd into the white oblivion. A final vanishing act, if you will.

Haha, thats not a bad way of looking at it.

Who steals a rabbit?
Reminds me of that one movie where a family comes home to find their rabbit not in the cage outside. They go into the kitchen and find a big pot boiling on the stove, they open it to find the rabbit being cooked alive.
No, you probably don't know the movie I mean.

I thought Break on Through was a great creative animation take on the song.

But I showed it to my sterotype of a drug induced brother who loves The Doors and all classic rock and he thought it was crap.

Of course it's worth noting that if someone elses thoughts, creative thinking, and/or opinions don't match his (which is 78% of the time), he'll always think it's crap, so it's no biggie.

Also, are you implying that all French people steal?

And they dont shave theyre arm pits?

I was expecting a heated debate on arin's scrotum size, and I'm very disappointed.

seriously though, good stuff, i like the live-action backgrounds in that second toon.

So do i, its alot of fun making cartoons that way.

mexican ballsack! D:


then sneaky snake, goes dancing,
wiggilin´and hissing


i love that song.

We don't want to see your ass, we want full frontal nudity!

imy hentai got thurd of the week : (

also the folk whos up there said something pretty disgusting


cool picture of the French guy