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Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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"Its also called NEWgrounds, but its allways the same old crap that gets hand picked and exhibited. Kinda like Sameoldshitgrounds."

Well Egoraptor calls his flash movies "AWESOME" but it always ends up being a bunch of cheap Family Guy jokes with badly drawn animation.

As well as some are hand picked they usually are the ones who are constantly voted 5 by NG viewers who have nothing better to do after which they are placed on Front Page by the NG staff who maybe just maybe view the flash movie before being posted as "Front Page Material"

So basically we could call Newgrounds as "FuckFartsgrounds"

yeah, im not really one to say this since i dont do flash, but the overrated sprites thing gets old... maybe they should set up something like a double rating system, with one part of it for the general visitors, and the other part for experienced people who have contributed to the site, sort of like deciding who posts on the front page. of course, im sure the newgrounds staff already has enough site work on their hands as it is. =P

I used to do sprites a coupe years back, and yes it takes less effort, but sometimes many people aren't as talented in drawing...sprites helped me get good at flash because I learned the easy basics through them. Also, it's like a crutch for people who are maybe only good at making a good script but not as swell as an animator. Why don't you call stick figures talentless hacks? Aren't they just the same thing over and over? I agree that many sprite movies today aren't really great, but I have to admit that some of the ones back in the old days were really good.

Stick figures are a little different, generally the stick figures movements are done by the animator, where as sprites are individual premade images that the author merely switches between.

Probably said before now but that review was probably deleted for being too short and not providing 'constructive criticism'.

Now if you're review had finished with "try creating something original next time" it might've been protected.

in shorts to wear pants to...ur animation made less common sence than the suck one. srry

If you're honestly confused as to why your review got deleted, you need to take a break from your self-righteous crusade for a while.

There's a difference between being constructive and being a jerk.

"I'm not really a fan of this movie, because I think that sprite movies in general are using art that isn't the author's. I would have liked to see content that is fully original, because I feel like there were a lot of jokes taken from other productions, too."

Same message, probably wouldn't get deleted. Why? Because I wasn't being a jerk. If you truly have a problem with making your reviews not passive aggressive then you should not write reviews if your ego is going to get in the way. Like I said, there's a difference between being constructive and being a jerk. If you truly cared about the advancement of these artists you could put your ego aside and help them instead of being a jackass.

At the same time
Would not get deleted despite also being technically abuse of the system. Why? Because a retarded good review is more whole sum then a jerks short bad review?

You asked why it was deleted and I told you.

I don't think hypocrisy is an issue you should be arguing considering you refer to yourself as an asshole twice in your profile and yet you get judgmental when someone treats you like one. Namely, the people who flagged your review.

You were a jerk in your review. That's it. There are some things that are just human nature. Nobody likes an asshole. Newgrounds is not the judicial system, it's a bunch of people.

Sprites aren't necessarily "stolen" unless you don't give credit to the original author or designer of the sprite or character. Yes, it does not belong to me, but using sprites is an easy way of bringing quality entertainment to those who enjoy the feel of video games in movies, especially when you are unable to do things like drawings. We don't all have a drawing tablet, and most of us can't draw with a computer mouse. Sprites are an art form, not a STOLEN art form. If it gives people entertainment, why not? I'm sure the video game companies are aware of this sort of thing happening all the time, but they're not sueing anyone. It's probably just more advertisement to them anyway, and sprites are only bad if you say "I made these" and then get paid for it. Which I don't. I'm a sprite animator, and your position on disliking sprite movies is irrational. Let's all hate realism paintings that have houses in them, because we've seen houses in paintings before. They must be stolen I guess.

It may have been removed because u are saying that it is "stolen sprites" but thats pretty cutting the line as you dont say the flash is stolen. I wouldnt flag this as abusive


Just another crying faggot, kill yourself already.

Hmm, I'm kind of in between the line. First of all, I agree with you that using sprites hurts the originality of a flash, and that you want to change things, but most people just can't draw with a computer mouse, and I'm pretty sure that most of you don't want to use a picture scanner to create a flash; that would just drain all the motivation out of you. So basically what I'm saying is that I'm neutral, and most of you out there would also be in the middle.