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Age 38, Male

Motion Artist and In

Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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Fast times on Newfaggrounds.



I hope you realise one day how far your realisation can take you. You should read that last paragraph again and think about what you just said, really. I'd say more - but i'm pretty tired. Good Luck.

Maybe one day, when im old and its too late.

your over 1000 fans probably care more, and they are the ones you should be apologizing to.

and honestly if i was tom id be a little offended at 'pretty cool site.' i get that toms super close to the community and that's cool, but he's not a little bitch who cried over your unnecessary forum blow up. is it disappointing for tom? sure, but on less of a personal level and on more of an 'artist(s) aren't/isn't enjoying this because of _____.'

Ive been attacking this site on and off for 5 years now for a number of reasons, some probably justified, others not so much BUT most likely all of those complaints were brought up in the wrong way. I cant speak for how Tom feels about it all, I don't know how or what he thinks, and its not really my business. This was a post about how I was feeling personally, and if you think he should be offended then maybe your seeing something in what I have said that I don't, maybe he will see it to, I don't know. If we all thought the same the world would be a boring place.

I also don't think my fans really care, despite have over 1000 followers on this site going through the accounts it looks like over 2/3's of them haven't visited the site in years, at least under those account names.

im just saying that if your going to make a public apology to the founder of a website on the front page of their website, you should have a little more respect for them and yourself.

Still not entirely sure how your reading into this, but sure, I think most people online deserve more respect then they are given.

Success is a tricky thing, Gerkinman, I've been around as long as you have and we've both seen crap become huge and praised and excellence be dismissed lost in the sands of time... how it comes about and what makes something work or not is sometimes just impossible to tell.

So, although it's fine to aim for success, if that's a big motivation and it doesn't come about, it can be tremendously frustrating. And that can lead to tirades like the one you've mentioned. To be fair, NG does have quite a few problems, but, as you sorta of imply, it's always going to be hard to be at the top of the curve; it's far from perfect, but it's still trying hard and has a lot going for it.

(Except for the forums, which have been (un)dead to me for years)

In short, I'm glad that you've realized the fickleness of success and I hope you can find, deep inside, good reasons to keep at it!


Success can be a pretty cruel thing. I probably wouldn't care except I don't like what I do for a living yet i'm really successful at it. Its the stuff I do enjoy that I have a much harder time with.

Oh boy oh yes you caused quiet the stir in that thread. Oh my. It's a nice read though. You rarely see Tom getting on the defense like that. It's usually just people praising him or asking why something is different.

Hell, you might have gained a reputation there, and everyone knows infamy is still fame ;)

That 3 Monts beer you have over their is fucking amazing.

You're not a prick, it's human to get frustrated, I respect that you decided to man up, and have seen the error of your ways.

Lastly the fact that you have kids seeking advice from you, is something you should be proud of.

Oh cool, youve been here? Or you just tried the beer?

Just tried the beer ha ha

as you're well aware, we're surrounded by popular brands and behind-the-scenes success stories.
somehow we "artistic" types expect to join those ranks.
competition is fierce. good fortune plays it's part. but we all know it takes more than wishful thinking and a couple limp stabs to slay the dragon.

if only people were interested in the trials and tribulations of us wannabes - we'd be all set :)

one of these days i'm gonna get my shit together and do something really special.

just because i want to, damn it.

one of these days...

Okay, so... if you were making a cartoon to promote a brand on the internet, what would you definitely put in it? What would you definitely exclude?

Assume the client wants to attract interest by telling a short story or a joke in their cartoon, like some of the more amusing commercials. Further assume they're trying to crack that fickle young adult demographic.

Logically, whatever you type in response to this hypothetical situation has got to be the answer to all those noobs' prayers! Right?

I mean, y'know, unless advertising and entertainment are two completely different fields, or every 'toon is incredibly situational and tailor-made to solve a specific messaging challenge to the point where there IS no general one-size-fits-all solution, or the distribution of ads is incredibly different from the distribution of entertainment and therefore the success or failure of an ad is determined by entirely different factors, or something crazy like that. :P

Long story short, don't be so hard on yourself. Audiences are stupid! You can't fix that by being better at making art!

I don't particularly care if I become famous, cause that's probably never gonna happen.
I just draw so maybe I could make a career out of it, like what you're doing. :P