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Age 38, Male

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Northern Rivers NSW

Joined on 1/11/04

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theres like 3 guys working on the back end of newgrounds. maybe 4.. as opposed to 300 at youtube. :p

still not an excuse to have any of the features you mentioned, but it definitely partl the reason as to why its taking so long.

Ha ha, I knew it would be a logistical issue. But, with Newgrounds viewership dropping off, its in the best interest of the site to try to keep up with what competitor sites are doing to try to keep people here. I guess the internet is evolving faster than ever and its getting harder and harder to keep up with the standards people have for the delivery of their content.

It too some bloodloss , but I think thats finally sinking in, there seems to be some pretty cool shit down the pipe

The Newgrounds youtube channel could be used a little better as well, just sayin lol.

I agree with all the points MindChamber has made, as well as your expectations. It's a matter of money isn't it? Hire a consultant: 1 year of Tom's take home pay. Hire a team to get it done faster: probably the value of NG itself. Buy the online services and software (Google) for better integration and visibility: 1 year of NG profit.... I'm just making these numbers up, but when you compete against major websites and search engines for page hits, expansion is a damn hard thing. It's like an ant fighting a cat for scraps, 1000:1 ratio easy.
NG is still good, we got all the heart we need, to outshine the bigger anthills in cyberspace :3

In the end all things come down to money, and I guess at some point a gamble. You can pay a bunch of money to bring things up to date, but there is no guarantee that it will bring visitors back to the site. On the other hand you can penny pinch and do things slowly, but that increases the risk of alienating the users of the site and making things inconvenient for them, thus killing traffic. Its a very difficult balancing act.

I hear Luis is working on the mobile version of the site, and though I'm all about big screens and real computers it looks good, simple and innovative. Would be good with a design that was scalable to different resolutions, but it's definitely better than it used to be in terms of usability (except for those annoying dropdown menus). I do wonder at times if NG staff are constantly working their asses of or spending more time on personal projects/life than they used to. Not that I'm complaining...

The ability to embed NG content would definitely be a real boost though. Maybe there's some copyright issue preventing it. Maybe bandwidth issues. I can see how including videos on other social sites would really spike resource usage, maybe without bringing in significant amount of users, but if the feature did exist I know I'd be embedding lots of content on my own site. NG could take it one step further by allowing regular flash content embeds as well, AFAIK there are no other sites that allow that.

I didn't realise a mobile site was under way, it must be a nightmare to design as there is so much content that needs to be fitted in. Im sure the NG staff are working on the features, its just another one of those things that feels like it could be too little too late, mobile versions of sites have been common for years now.

You might be right on the embedding front, I have no idea how the back end of those sorts of systems work. I dont think it would ever work with flash, but Facebook already has HTML5 game support, embedding them from Newgrounds could be a boon.

Here's the mobile site design: <a href="http://luiscastanon.com/design-ng-mobile.php">http://luiscastanon.com/design-ng-mobile.php</a>

As for embedding flash, it wouldn't be difficult at all. Everything on the site is embedded already, so... the only thing they need to do is make that code visible, and allow hotlinking (linking to the files directly instead of only the pages). Yeah, it could be. :)

That is pretty damn cool.